What is the True Cost of Outsourcing?

There are many new marketers who are reluctant to outsource, because they don’t like spending the extra money. They think it would be a waste of cash to pay someone else to perform tasks they can do themselves.  I know I thought that way for quite some time.

But that thinking is very flawed.


Name just about any millionaire or billionaire in the world and chances are, that person has employees or outsourcers who take care of the vast majority of their work.

It’s nearly impossible for one person to grow a business to the seven figure range or greater by themselves.

I’m not saying it can’t be done – it can – but it would require a level of dedication that very few individuals possess.

Be honest – are you truly good at every task required of you to run your online business?

Can you so them all quickly and efficiently?

I’m “pretty good” at most things but even with those, I am painfully slow at some.

Try to think about in terms of the money you deserve to be paid. What do you think your time is worth? Are you willing to go out and work at a job making minimum wage or a bit more?

If your time is worth more than what it would cost you to hire someone else to do it, then it just makes sense to outsource the task!

Trying to do everything yourself can also hamper your chance to be extremely successful.

The more you try to do by yourself, the less you’ll actually get done. Think about this. If you spent every single waking moment writing eBooks, you might be able to pull off one a month.


If you’re a very fast writer, you might be able to create a few more. But if you hired outsourcers, you could create an unlimited number of them – and take the time to launch each one and get a hefty return on your investment, too!

No doubt you have heard the horror stories about finding reliable outsourcers. Yes, it can be hard to find someone who is reliable. But you don’t have to be ripped off!

You can give each outsourcer a small order first to test the quality of their work and the speed of delivery. The first few jobs might be smaller jobs. Once they’ve proven themselves a few times, you can start giving them larger jobs. Go from a pack of 5 one-page articles to a 50-page eBook.

I started by some graphics.  I had recently taken the time to create my own graphics for a project.  While they turned out great, it took me over 6 hours to do.  In my regular job my bill-out rate was $45/hour so, essentially these graphics “cost me” $270.

For the next project, I outsourced my graphics.  I received them in 3 days, it cost me $50 and they were much better than the ones I had done myself.  Not only that, I could then take that 6 hours and do something to actually earn money.

Some outsourcers will ask for payment up front, because they get scammed, too. That doesn’t necessarily mean you should discount them. Some very excellent outsourcers require payment up front to make sure they don’t have their hard work stolen.

Just make sure you always ask for references or take the time to examine their reputation and profiles first. If they have a lot of good testimonials from people you recognize, or they have a very good word-of-mouth reputation, then you’re probably safe working with them.

So, do I outsource all my graphics now?

No.  I now have access to great graphics programs that help me quickly do a lot of my own graphics BUT I have learned to recognize what is best left to the “experts” and outsource that.

Before you outsource, I suggest you read my post “You Can’t do Everything Yourself” for some tips on preparing to outsource.

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