Secret Email System

Matt Bacak’s Secret Email System – I Bought This!

As I mentioned in my previous post, I bought the as you can see in the receipt below.  If you are reading this after October 4, 2020 you will not get it at this launch price but even at full price, it is well worth your investment.

matt bacak secret email system

OK, so now I have had a chance to actually go through the system and a few of the bonuses.  I will be going back over it again but I wanted to quickly go through it so I could let you know what I found.

As expected, the ebook covers the basics as it is being marketed as being for anyone.  He covers the basics of what you need (niche, domain, autoresponder, etc) to be a successful online marketer.  If any of those are not part of your online business, you really need to get this system.

Then, we get into the real meat of the matter…

How do you become a marketer whos’ emails your subscribers actually open?

You can have a list of thousands but if no one opens your emails, you can’t sell anything.  Nada.  Zip.

So. Matt tells you what you need to do to become that “Must Open” marketer to the subscribers on your list.

He covers the following:

  • What is the purpose of your campaign?
  • How to organize your email campaign
  • How to create credibility with your subscribers
  • How to create a rapport with your subscribers
  • How you should write your emails
  • Writing Headlines for your emails
  • Writing a Call To Action in your emails
  • How to write content emails
  • How to write free gift emails
  • How to write promotional emails
  • How to write feedback emails
  • How to write emails that get a response
  • How to properly format your emails
  • Why you must write your own emails
  • How often should you be emailing your list?
  • How to track the success of your campaigns
  • The biggest email myth

You need all of these to become a successful email marketer.  While this is focused on , this information can be used for your own products as well.

Check it out here:

Secret Email System

Oh, and the bonuses… these are not your usual run of the mill stuff added to make a weak product look good.  No, these are actual products that Matt sells.  The value of them is the actual amount you would pay if you bought them all.


Now that I have been receiving Matt’s post-sale emails, I am getting even more value.  Not so much in what the emails are about (although the bonuses are great) but in how he is using some of his bonuses to get more interest in more of his high ticket products.  It is worth the price just to get this lesson in how to use bonuses and email marketing!  You will have to look at the video report bonuses to see what he is doing.  Nothing is wasted!  No wonder he only spends 30 minutes a day and brings in 7 figures a year.

Get the Secret Email System just for the followup emails!

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Review – Matt Bacak’s Secret Email System

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