Daily Content Profits Image

How to Create a Content Marketing Plan that Pays You DAILY for Years without Doing a Lot of Work!

I know, I know.  The title is too long but it does say everything about the “ System”.


Many marketers write their blog posts, taking care to make them informative, useful and even beautiful. They then publish the post, maybe email their list and wait.

And wait, and wait…

And no one shows up.  It is so discouraging.

I know, I did this for ages. I kept hearing that content was king and you need good content to succeed. Well, I had good content but I was not succeeding.

What “they” failed to mention is that you have to market that content.  DUH!

A while ago I joined the NAMS Insider Club and got access to mountains of training. Part of that training is the “Daily Content Profits System“.


At NAMS, they live by the mantra,”Do the work once; Get paid forever!”

The goal with Daily Content Profits is to use a repeatable checklist to execute an automated social sharing and promotion that keeps traffic coming to your site for years.

It’s easy to tell folks to create more content. That’s a small part of the process.  It can also be the most frustrating.  They don’t see any progress because they are not DISTRIBUTING that content.

Daily Content Profits solves the problem of how to DISTRIBUTE that content effectively. With a comprehensive checklist and resources, you can create ongoing promotional material from one piece of content that drives traffic for years.

Follow the system as it is laid out and you can expect to:content markering plan daily content profits

  • Get More Traffic, Leads and Customers
  • Prepare Your Content For Maximum Success
  • Make More Money With An Easy-To-Follow Checklist
  • Save Big Money With Free Distribution Channels
  • Use Our Tools to Automate and Organize Content
  • Add to Your Bank Account Every Day Automatically
  • Access Free Process Software to Customize Yours

Here is a summary of what you learn in this system:

  • Creating great content
  • How to make your primary content piece an epic and shareable gem
  • How to create graphics for Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn
  • Create shareable text content for Twitter using our free tool
  • How to create great video trailers from your content
  • How to distribute content efficiently
  • Use the right tool to create a content schedule for years
  • Schedule social media posts automatically for months at a time
  • Leverage old school sharing techniques to build relationships
  • Use our free NAMS Tweet Composer to automate Twitter posting

Daily Content Profits shows you how to take massive action with a STEP BY STEP content distribution plan.  No more wondering what to do next.  We’re going to tell you.  Exactly where to post your content, what size your graphics and images should be, how often to post and best of all you’ll be able to easily outsource this to a VA!

Is it worth it for me?

I have so much content sitting on my hard drive collecting dust.   Since I started following this system I know exactly what to do to use that content and I actually get it done.

AND…  traffic to my site had risen steadily (the dark blue line in the screenshot below).  I have done nothing else different over the last 2 months other than following the laid out in this system.

content marketing plan traffic

And… I am only using 1 of the 5 channels to promote my content.  I am starting one more this week.  Once I get that one under my belt and am comfortable that it is working, I will start a 3rd.

There is no need to do them all.  I will probably stick with 3 for a while, depends on how they do.

I am just a one-person show here.  When I am comfortable that the benefits are worth it, I will probably outsource the social media posts.  Oh, there is even a section in this system on how to outsource.

If I can make this work, anyone can. I have no special skills or knowledge.  I need a step-by-step process that I can follow that explains how to do each step when creating my content marketing plan.  This system has all that so it is a definite yes for me.  Worth every penny.

Is this worth it for you?

You don’t need to be a member of the Insiders Club to get this.  You can pick it up all by itself right here:  Daily Content Profits

ALL of the BIG and SUCCESSFUL online marketers create a LOT of content.

That’s your first clue.

If it didn’t pay off big, they wouldn’t spend the time creating great content, but more importantly, distributing it.

That’s what they do differently than most other marketers.

Distribute content everywhere in a persistent way leveraging authority traffic from social media, blogs, news organizations and other sources.

Done well, content marketing improves every other aspect of your marketing.

That’s why you need a content distribution system including a checklist and tools that help automate the mundane tasks.

That’s exactly what the Daily Content Profits system gives you…

It’s not one of the $2,000 or $3,000 tools, but a tool that will cost you $27.

It’s built to give you…

  • More traffic.
  • More leads.
  • More sales.


So, What exactly do you get with the Daily Content Profits system?

1) Daily Content Profits Checklist – 46-page PDF checklist that the customer can use or distribute to their team with video training as well.

2) NAMS Tweet Composer – Pulling appropriate content from content and sales pages suitable for Twitter and micro blogging tools has never been easier nor more important. Scheduling tweets with Hootsuite, Buffer, or Postblazer requires the appropriate CSV file. With this simple tool, you have to be exported quickly in the appropriate file format to load to your tool of choice. And this comes with video training.

3) NAMS Hashtag Manager – Grab your hashtags from your favorite source and manage them in this tool for consistent promotion. Multiple products and content groups help you reach the right targeted communities.

4) Resource Directory – Training, articles, free and paid tools and content sources to create, repurpose and distribute your content.

5) Customizable Content Distribution Process – Import and customization link to the original checklist template tool to customize the checklist to your needs.

6) NAMS Social Media Mastery Facebook group – The exclusive gathering place talk about these tools and others to drive more traffic and sales.

To be fair, I want to let you know that there are upsells.  THEY ARE NOT NECESSARY to use the Daily Content Profit System to create your own Content Marketing Plan.  It is a complete system all on its own.

Tell me, why are there 6 upsells?

Believe it or not, he’s added these additional products as a service to help you get better results in related areas.

I’ll go through them quickly to describe each that are available at the time of writing.

√ Upsell 1 – Convert Traffic To Profits.

Daily Content Profits is all about getting more traffic, leads and sales from your content. You can only accomplish that if you know how to PROFIT from TRAFFIC. Upsell 1 is clearly a great addition to everyone trying to generate more cash from their business.

√ Upsell 2 – Fast Business Start Up Virtual Workshop

How long have you been waiting to build your Online Business?  Isn’t it time you do it! Get your online business churning out cash for you and your family to take more control of your life.   I took this workshop when it was live.  I had more ah-ha moments in that 2 days that I had in months of other training.

√ Upsell 3 – Blogging Like A Pro: From Post To Profit.

This is kind of obvious, but if you want to succeed with Daily Content Profits by creating more traffic, leads and sales, you have to create great content. The easiest way to do that is to create “anchor” or “epic” blog posts that persuade people to buy from you – early and often. If you want to get started blogging the right way, this one is for you.

√ Upsell 4 – How Free Products Lead To Profit.

A tried and true method of driving more traffic, building a lead list and making more sales is to create free products from your content and have a funnel in place.  Daily Content Profits works really well without this. However,  you can turbo charge your profits when you use this too.

√ Upsell 5 – How to Create Simple Sales Funnels

In this one hour training, Jen will show you how to actually build simple funnels using tools you already have.  She shows the mechanics, the technology, the processes and how to connect each piece together. As a bonus, she also shows you how to build a funnel using Warrior Plus, a completely FREE 3rd party selling platform.

√ Upsell 6 – And finally, Six Figure Momentum Circle

The exclusive member only trainings are created for business owners who want to grow and scale their business, without the headache, confusion or overwhelm “figuring” out how to implement new marketing and operations strategies. Delivered monthly in your members only webinar room, you’ll have the opportunity to study in depth core concepts, ask questions and implement right away!

Remember, none of these upsells are required to make Daily Content Profits one of the best (very small) investments you’ll make this year.

Create your own Content Marketing Plan with this system and watch your traffic number grow!

Content Marketing Plan


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