content marketing

What’s in Your Content Marketing Plan?

With content marketing being such an important part of your business, you need to have a in place with clearly defined goals.

Among other things, a properly executed will increase your brand’s reach, show credibility, promote your expertise in the subject, and educate your audience.  However, to do this effectively you must learn how to set clearly defined content marketing goals.  This helps you avoid busywork that slows productivity and wastes a tremendous amount of time.

Here are 6 things to keep in mind when creating a content marketing plan:

1. Define the Purpose for the Content

Your content will have different purposes and may be presented differently for each purpose.  Some potential purposes for any content you create include:

  • building your list
  • ranking higher in the search engine results
  • earning more links to your site
  • educating your audience
  • driving social engagement

2. Determine Where the Content Will Live

In addition to the purpose of the content, you also need to consider where you place your content.  The two must match so that you get the maximum attraction and views.

3. Know the Format of the Content

Needless to say, once you have determined the purpose and the location where you want your content,  it’s easier to determine the format of the content in which it should initially. For example, if you’re going to put the content on YouTube, it should, of course, be a video.  If you put content on your blog, it can still be a video along with a transcript of the video and so forth.

4. Define Exactly How You’ll Promote the Content You Publish

Having decided on all of the above in advance, you are better positioned to decide how to promote it. You’ll probably want to use a combination approach.   Your target audience will, to some extent, determine how you’re going to do things.  Where do they hang out?  What types of content do they consume?  What do you want them to do (purpose)?

5. Use SMART Goal Setting Techniquescontent marketing smart goals

Anytime you need to set goals for anything, using the SMART goal setting techniques helps you create actionable goals.

SMART is an acronym that stands for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely. When you ensure that your goals cover those areas, you’ll also ensure that they are clearly defined so that you can easily follow them because the process creates clarity.

6. Transfer Your Goals to a Real Schedule

If you don’t schedule the work that you need to do in order to reach the goals you’ve set, then the goals aren’t really that clear. Put the information into a calendar, giving yourself enough time to get it done in a timely manner.

Like most things in life, if you create clearly defined goals, you’ll end up with much better results. Setting relevant goals for content marketing will ensure that you aren’t just creating content for the sake of creating content. That doesn’t work and will just frustrate you. Every single piece of content that you create must have a purpose, and you should define that purpose prior to even starting to develop it. When you do that, you will experience so much success.

To help you with your content marketing plan, check out by clicking on the image below.

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  1. Reply

    “Define Exactly How You’ll Promote the Content You Publish” is the most valuable one for me! The list is really creative. I appreciate the reading. I am going to share the post on my social media pages to see my friends and followers. Thanks and keep up the good work!

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