website analytics

Website Tracking Protocols

We will be talking about protocols for tracking three aspects of your business in the next few days.  In this post, I want to talk about your .

The first thing you need to do to track the effectiveness of your website is to install on your site.  Most people like using Google because Google is still the first search engine that you need to please to get more traffic and audience members. You can follow this checklist for what to set up in Google Analytics to track.

Understand Your Website’s Traffic website tracking visitors traffic

Once you get Google Analytics (or the software of your choice) set up, you can start measuring and tracking your visitors.  There is so much information available to you.

Where is the traffic originating? Is it due to ads or content marketing? Is the traffic trending up or down, and can you point to why? Which pages of your site get the most traffic, and why? How many people stick to your site versus bounce, and can you determine why? Do audience members who visit your site with a mobile device react differently from those who visit with their desktop computer?

Check Your Website’s Search Engine Optimization

Part of your website tracking protocol is checking your SEO.  Review your tag titles, meta descriptions, headings, subheadings, and structure. Plus, double-check your and internal links for effectiveness. Ensure you are using internal linking appropriately and the right keywords in the right way. These SEO issues can play an essential factor in whether your site is working in the way you intended it to or not. Don’t forget to double-check your search engine results regularly too.

Fix Your Page Speed and Page Errorswebsite tracking page speed

Every now and then, double-check your page load times. This is so important for proper results because people don’t wait around for slow sites to load. Plus, they don’t really like going to an error page, so make sure you fix any broken links regularly. Also, you can optimize your error pages to help your audience find more content.

Monitor the Behavior of Your Visitors

Using the right metrics, you can also monitor the behavior of site visitors. What are they clicking? What are the main links and calls to action that you want them to notice? How your visitors interact with your pages is also important because their behavior should drive your actions. In this way, you’re going to be able to identify the things that genuinely persuade your visitors to act.

Evaluate or Sales Page Effectiveness

website tracking landing page

Monitor everything about your landing pages.

Where did the visitor click through from to get here, and what happened after they did?

Whatever you can monitor in between and before and after will provide vital information to help you improve the effectiveness of your sales pages.

Make sure that you are really capturing the right data with the analytics software that you’re using for your website tracking.

Establish the goals you want to track and measure, and then set it up to track what you want to know. Ensure that everything is set up, including IP filters, site search, AdWords, in-page analytics, and more through Google Analytics to get started testing, tracking, and measuring.

It’s a lot of work but is essential to your online success.  Once you establish what website tracking metrics you want to track, you can outsource the setup and monitoring if you wish.

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