Why Do You Want to Start an Online Business?

This is a very important question.  The answer to this is what will keep you going when the going gets tough.

Maybe you think goal is income only.  Maybe you just need money to pay off your mortgage.  Maybe you need extra money to pay for a new car, or expensive medical treatment.

That is how I started – just wanting a few more dollars to be able to buy things I wanted.   That was all I considered.  Didn’t think about anything else.

Having a goal is x number of dollars is OK, but once you reach that goal, then what?

Are you just going to stop?

That seems like a waste of time and effort.

Odds are pretty good that there is a deeper reason for wanting to do this even though money is what comes to mind first.

Personally, the real reason I want to do this is FREEDOM.

Freedom from having to hold down a J.O.B.

Freedom from having to fight traffic to get to work – I can work from home.

Freedom from trading my time for money.  If you set it up right, you can go on vacation and still earn money!

Freedom from working for someone else.

Freedom to live my life the way I want to.


Think about it…

What are your REAL reasons for wanting to start an online business?

Got it?

Visualize it… in detail.

Feel it.

Go ahead… laugh out loud, jump up and down with excitement (well, maybe not if you are at work).  Just allow yourself to see and feel what your life will be like when you have your successful online business up and running.

This is what will keep you going, putting in the time to make this thing work for you.

This is so important.

Don’t skip this part.

Do it – NOW!

Until next time.

Keep dreaming!


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5 IM Business Models – Pros and Cons

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Introduction or How I Ended up Here!

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