Video Marketing Checklist

I know, I know – yet another checklist.

I can’t help it – I love these things.

This time the subject is Video Marketing.

Like or not, video is used in almost all marketing today and if you are not using it, you will be soon if you want to succeed.

What You Need to Create Videos

You don’t have to be a video star, you don’t have to have the best video equipment and you don’t even need fancy video editing software to produce videos that can help your marketing efforts.

If you want to get some good equipment, there are recommendations in one of these checklists.  If you just want to use your Smartphone, there is a checklist for that too.

If you really don’t want to appear on camera, you can outsource it or you can use screen shots to create the video.  There are lots of video creation software out there that have their various strengths and weaknesses.

Here is an example of a quick video I did just using text and images with music – took me 15 minutes to create using Content Samurai.

Video Marketing Checklists

Now if I was going to use this video I would take the time to polish it up and add a voice track but I wanted to show you that creating videos does not have to be rocket science, does not have to take forever and you do not have to appear on video if you do not want to.

How can Help

So, there is really no reason to NOT use video and these checklists can help you get everything done the first time around.  Follow the first 9 in order then go with the platform(s) you are using to put them out there.

Here are the titles of the checklists that are included in this bundle…

Video Aims
Video Types
Keyword Research
Recording Equipment
Smartphone Video
Prepare To Record
Video Template
Video Monetisation
Video Editing
YouTube Channel
YouTube Video Upload
YouTube Playlist
YouTube Connect and Engage
Video Traffic: Email
Video Traffic: Blog
Video Traffic: Facebook
Video Traffic: Twitter
Video Traffic: Pinterest
Facebook Live Video

The fact that you don’t have to print out the checklists to use them is a great plus as I was going through paper like no one’s business.  I use the Excel version (in OpenOffice) and just make a copy of the checklists (they are all in one file, separate sheet for each list) for each project and go from there.

You can pick up your copy of Video Marketing Checklists here.

Video Image Attribution

This video presentation contains images that were used under a Creative Commons License. Click here to see the full list of images and attributions:

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