click-through rate

Using Open And Click-Through Rate To Improve Your Email Marketing 

As you set up more entry points for your funnel and start building your list, you’ll need to monitor a few different metrics – and .  Tracking your results ensures that what you’re doing works, as well as to find ways to improve.

Two parameters to look for when it comes to your email list are open email rates and email link click-through rates.

An open means that your list member opened the email to consume the content. A click-through means that the list member not only opened the email and read it but also clicked a link that you provided to them.

Monitor Open and

To monitor open rates and click-through rates, you’ll need to check your autoresponder directions, but more than likely, you can find this information within the dashboard or back office of your system.

One thing to note about click-through rates is that you need to allow the autoresponder system to insert tracking on your links so that you can track that option. This is usually automatic simply by checking a box permitting them to track your links. You don’t have to do anything special to monitor open email rates as that knowledge is already available to you through your autoresponder dashboard or back-office, depending on your system.

Know the Industry Averages

Do some research on your industry to find out what the open rates and click-through rates are typically for this type of product or service. You can also look at your autoresponder service’s benchmark information to find out how your numbers match up to what they say is the average. You want to shoot for average at least or above-average results.

Know Your Numbersclick-through rate

Regardless of what the industry averages are, you need to know your own numbers for open rates and click-through rates. You can gather that information by using your autoresponder dashboard. Make sure you implement link tracking in your email messages for the best results. Each system works slightly differently, so always look for the directions.

Learn Tips and Tricks to Improve

Your autoresponder likely gives you tips to improve your email marketing. They want you to succeed. Go through the training they provide and use some of the information to improve your open rates and click-through rates. Focus on subject lines, segmenting your audience correctly, and including the right calls to action for the person who is consuming the email message.

Monitor Stats Regularlyclick-through rate website analytics

Set up a schedule to monitor these metrics at a minimum of monthly but also before, during, and after any marketing campaigns or launches. When you notice an opportunity to improve your results, take the time to implement them.  Don’t skip doing the essential things because every single tweak you make will add up.

Monitor, Improve, Repeat

As you move along in your marketing campaigns, building your funnel, and working on pleasing your ideal customer, you’ll want to use the information you learn from monitoring these metrics to do a better job targeting your ideal audience based on their intent for wanting the information you’re providing. It’s a work in progress and will not be perfect ever because everything keeps changing. Your job is to monitor, tweak, improve, and repeat.

These two metrics, and click-through rate, are easy to measure. The more you focus on what’s important regarding your metrics, the more you’ll be able to reach and please your ideal customer.

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