turn customers into raving fans

Turn Customers Into Raving Fans 

Don’t Stop Testing After the Sale

Once you’ve made a sale, your job is not over.  In fact, it’s only just begun.  If you want a lasting and profitable business, you’ll need to learn to focus on how to .

When a customer is not just your customer but is a fan of yours, they’ll tell their friends and family about you, buy from you again, and take your advice more readily.

So, how do you go about testing to give the best value to your to turn them into raving fans?

Set Goals for Buyers

Once someone is your customer you should create more goals for them such as encouraging them to engage with you on other platforms, getting them to join your masterminds or other actions you’d like them to take to build a stronger relationship that makes them feel like VIPs.

Create Autoresponders for Buyers

Don’t just make the sale and leave it at that. Once someone has bought, set up a tag for the purchases made that assigns them to a new autoresponder series meant for building your relationship. Ask them for product feedback, interview them for a case study, bring them into your groups, and cross-promote your other platforms.

Set Up Metrics That Match Your Goals

Once you’ve set goals for your , you’ll want to set up metrics that you can use to test whether your actions are beneficial or not. For example, if you’re going to recruit your buyers to become affiliates, set up an autoresponder series promoting and the benefits of it to them. Then track how many people sign up.

Make Product Recommendationsturn customers into raving fans recommendations

Offer your buyers new product recommendations based on their interest from people you trust. Sometimes even if you don’t make money from the advice, you build a fan instead. That can be worth more than a few extra dollars.

Cross-Promote Your Social Media Platforms

Bring your customer to your other platforms by sending emails to them, inviting them to your groups, and to follow you on other social media. Let them in on the secret of why it’s beneficial to follow you elsewhere so that they do it.

Give Customers First Crack at New Offers

turn customers into raving fans special offers

Once you have customers, put them first for new product releases, new ideas, new clubs, and so forth. When you treat them as VIPS and reward them first, they’ll become even more aligned with you.

Survey Your Customers

After your customer has time to use your product, send them a survey that allows them to give you essential feedback for making your products better. When you not only ask them but demonstrate how you used the information that they provided, you’ll increase trust exponentially.

Whatever you choose to do, keep in communication with your customers. Once they make a purchase, it’s time for you to find ways to delight them by giving them more of what they want. More solutions, more connection, and more opportunities are all important things to offer to your customers, but as you do it make sure you remember to check the numbers. You cannot assume that what you’re doing is making an impact unless you have the proof through testing and tracking.

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