top 10

Top 10 Online Businesses You Can Start Now

Top 10 You Can Start Now

If you have a goal in mind to launch your own online business, but you don’t know where to begin, you’re not alone. Many people are wondering what the top are, and there are many to choose from.

The best online business ideas are those where you’re able to work as your own boss, not for a company that will pay less than you want to bring in at longer hours than you want to work.

Below, you’ll find the top 10 businesses you can start online easily without a degree or special training. There are many zero to low-cost options in the list, making it perfect for anyone on a budget – including college students and seniors!

online business

#1 – Earn Money Promoting Products as an Affiliate Marketer

If you want something where you’re not having to create anything, but you just get to promote other people’s products, then might be the best option for you.

You can start out for free using social networking platforms, but many people like to invest a small amount in their own domain (about $17 a year) and hosting account (under $10 a month) so they can install WordPress and have an affiliate blog of their own.

Start putting content where you’re reviewing products on your blog or accounts and use your affiliate link to promote digital or tangible products that you recommend so you can earn a nice commission!

#2 – Set Yourself Up for Success as an Info Product Developer

Many consumers purchase information online that teaches them what they want to know. Whether it’s how to lose weight, how to make money online, how to train their pet or how to lessen their stress, they often prefer an immediate download over having to order a physical book and wait for its delivery days later.

You can create digital eBooks or video membership products to sell your information. Many people create an entire line of products, using previous info products as upsells in their funnel.

When you sell as an info product creator, you can recruit affiliates to promote for you and increase your earnings significantly. All you need is a website where you can create a sales letter to sell from, and a free account on a platform where affiliates can sign up to promote your launch.

#3 – Start Out Working for Others as a Freelance Service Provider


Freelance service providers include people who ghostwrite for others, create graphic designs for them, work as virtual assistants, and more. You can sign up for an account on Fiverr or Upwork and get started.

All you’ll do is bid on projects that you feel you can complete, work in a timely manner and deliver it to the customer when it’s completed. With this business model, you’re trading time for money, so you’ll want to increase your rates over time.

#4 – Use Your Content Creation Skills to Profit as a Private Label Rights Seller

Private label rights (PLR) is content that you write (or record if you’re selling video PLR) once, just as you would with ghostwriting – but instead of selling it to just one buyer, you can sell it to multiple buyers to use as their own.

PLR can be sold on a store of your own (you can use a tool like Aweber with a built in affiliate program) or as launches where you bundle up content and sell it at a discount for a short period of time, and affiliates can promote it so you bring in more money in a short period of time.

#5 – Launch an Online Coaching Program without a Degree


Did you know that you don’t need to have a degree in order to be a coach? There are many people who start their own online coaching businesses where they guide people in many different ways including life coaching, making money online, fitness, and more.

You’ll need a website where you promote your coaching program, or you might want to wield the power of social media platforms to do that. You also need content you can use to coach your people, and a method of interacting with them – either through written, verbal or video communication.

#6 – Tap Into Creative Opportunities as an Indie Fiction Author

Many people mistakenly think you have to be accepted by an agent and traditional publisher to write fiction, but thanks to Amazon and other platforms, you can self-publish and reach an audience of buyers with ease.

It won’t cost you anything ahead of time to publish on Amazon (they take a small fee out of every sale), but you will need to carefully edit and polish up your book and create (or have created) a professional cover for it so you can be competitive.

#7 – Put Your Social Skills to Use as an Online Influencer

social media

Social influencers are making a lot of money these days – and on free platforms where they develop a following based on their recommendations and personality. You can use TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, YouTube, and other platforms and get paid through creator funds as well as directly from the people supporting your channels and profiles.

#8 – See How Inventory Sellers Are Making Bank as a Middleman

Another twist on selling other peoples’ products that’s a bit different from is being a middleman for products. As a dropshipper, you’ll promote products from others on your own website, accept the payment for whatever you marked it up to, and then pay the manufacturer their cost so they can ship it out to the customer.

As an FBA (Fulfilled by Amazon) worker, you’ll find products you can purchase and have shipped to Amazon warehouses. You’ll create a listing marked up from the price you paid for them originally and when a sale occurs, Amazon will ship it out to your customer for you.

#9 – Create Digital Downloads and Start a Business as a Printables Seller

Have you ever bought a digital file from Etsy or Shopify? Sellers there are creating things like wall art, calendars, trackers, planners, journal pages, and more – and selling the files they create over and over again (similar to PLR, except the content is for personal use only).

You’ll be paying Etsy a small fee from each sale, so you’ll want to learn how to create digital or printable products and then upload the listings to your profile. The more you create, the more profits you stand to make, and they can keep earning for you for years!

#10 – Take Over Accounts and Thrive as a Content Marketing Strategist

secrets of content marketing

More entrepreneurs and larger brands are struggling to understand and maintain all of their company’s content needs that are spread out across their blog, email list, and social profiles on numerous platforms.

You can position yourself as a content marketing strategist who comes up with content ideas, creates or sources the content, and manages a consistent publishing schedule for optimal traffic generation.

Now you have some ideas of the types of online businesses you can create, so now you get to decide where you want to start. But keep in mind, working as an online entrepreneur means you can build more than one business, so you’re not limited by your initial selection.   Once you get one up and running, you can choose another type of business and do it again.

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