subscriber list

The Key to Building Your Business is…

Your subscriber list is !

If you have an online business, you must have a subscriber (email) list. This allows you to keep in touch with your clients and customers.  You also have the ability to communicate with potential clients and customers.

A subscriber list is a personal way to correspond with people and to remind them of who you and what products and services you offer.

When you email your list, be personable and respect your list.  Don’t bombard them with offer after offer after offer without building a relationship with them and proving to them they can trust you.

Write in the style of as if you are speaking directly to them in a verbal conversation.

To stay in compliance with the CAN-SPAM laws, you cannot just add emails to your list without first obtaining the person’s approval. If you have collected business cards at events, you cannot add them to your list – yet.

Subscribers have to agree to receive your email FIRST, using what is known as a ‘double opt-in.’ This makes your list very targeted with people who are interested in what you offer. If they permit you, they are interested. Note that the penalties for not complying with these laws are quite severe and can quickly ruin your business, so don’t spam!

the key to building your business

When you have a subscriber list, you own it. You are not dependent on social media platforms or third-party sites to reach your audience.  Because of that, you can communicate with them any time you want to.

If you rebrand your business, you can still use your list.

If you move your physical business to an online model only, you have your list to communicate with and keep them up to date with what is going on in your business. Your list is your golden ticket to contacting customers to make offers that they are interested in because they are your target audience.

Have you struggled to build a list?

Perhaps you don’t know where to begin. Or, you don’t know if you have the right opt-in gift to entice people to take action and give you their email information.

Time is precious and no one has enough time to go through a massive training package on list building.

What if you could have an actionable step-by-step process for implementing solutions to build your list fast?

In that case, I have the perfect thing to share with you to help you finally build your subscriber list.

get new subscribers

The MyNAMS Profit Planner, “Fast Track Your Subscribers”,  give you everything you need to build your list.

The package includes:

  • A Textbook
  • An Idea Generator
  • A Workbook that guides you through the process
  • A Checklist to ensure you don’t miss any steps
  • A Tools & Resources guide to help you start with the right tool
  • A Calendar to help you implement the system
  • An Infographic highlighting the main points suitable for printing out

This is a proven system that works. Everything you need to build your list of subscribers for free is included in the Profit Planner.

Check it out here and learn how to create Fast Track Your Subscribers


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