Online Copywriting Ring Binder

The Essential Skill of Copywriting

If you are working online and creating any type of written content, be it web pages, articles, blog posts, emails, you are using skills whether or not you know it.

The question is, are you doing it to the best of your ability?

Online is a bit different than that for printed material as it is read on a device of some sort and needs to be written and formatted to make it as easy as possible for your reader to consume the information you are providing (and take the action you want them to take).


In the online world, there are several different types of copy:

  • Sales Page
  • Opt-in Page
  • Product Description
  • Emails
  • Online Ads

Most types of copy (Ads are usually too short to contain all the components) will include these 5 core components:

1. Identify The Problem
2. Know Your Audience
3. Benefits/Value
4. Credibility/Logic/Facts
5. Call To Action

Once you have identified these components, you can start writing your copy.  Here are 3 general tips to writing successful copy:

Inject Emotion

Remember that we buy based on our emotions. Neglecting this fundamental fact can result in
low conversions. So it’s essential to integrate emotions into your copy. But how do you do that?
Use emotional words, tell stories, and speak conversationally with your reader.

For example…

    • Do you feel paralyzed by the fear of paying for your retirement
    • Are you furious that you could actually be saving twice as much for retirement if only
      you’d known how?
    • Imagine feeling confident about your retirement savings plan.

Create Attention Grabbing Headlines

You have about 20 seconds to grab your reader’s attention before they click
away.   The headline is the first thing that they read. Your headline is important. You might
spend as much time on your headline as you do the rest of your copy.

There are a few different headline approaches that are proven to work. They include:

    •  Numbers – 30 Days to a bulletproof retirement plan
    •  Emotions – Stop letting financial institutions control your future.
    •  Promises – Finally, a proven step by step approach to a secure financial future

Make Them an Offer They Can’t Refuse

Your prospects are going to have excuses. They’re going think…

  •  I’ll come back later to buy this
  •  I’m not sure about the price
  •  What if it doesn’t work?

You can combat these potential objections right up front. For example, if you think the price may be a concern, make it a limited time offer with the price increasing in a few days or consider adding bonuses to make the price easier to justify. And a guarantee always helps those who doubt whether the product or service will solve their problem. Generally, these components come at the end of your sales copy as you’re inviting them to take action and buy now.

To help you organize your process of copywriting, I have a short checklist that you can download here – no charge or optin:

The Essentials of Online Copywriting Checklist

If you want to learn more about online copywriting, you can pick up our free report The Essential Guide to Online Copywriting by entering your email below and clicking the button.


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