
The 3 Best Ways to Get New Subscribers From Your Blog

If you have a blog, chances are you spend time providing quality content.  However, are you taking advantage of your blog by using it to ?

Are you giving your readers a call to action at the end of each blog?

Are you leading them somewhere else on your site or just crossing your fingers, hoping that they will stumble across something else that interests them?

Take advantage of your blog audience and make a couple of tweaks to make it work better for you.

get new subscribers

1. Add CTAs to Your Blog Posts

A CTA is a call to action. Simply put, it asks your visitor to DO something. In this case, you ask them to join your subscriber list.

Use Google Analytics to find your 10-20 most popular posts over the last six months or so. Look for jobs that get consistent traffic, not just the spike when you publish them.

Add the links to your opt-in page within those posts. In fact, you should put the opt-in link at the bottom of every post you publish.

2. Become a Guest Blogger

Build relationships with other people in your niche. Offer to write some content for them as a guest blogger. The idea is to write a post on a subject that the host blogger’s audience would appeal to while showcasing your specialty. Your host publishes your blog post, along with the link to your opt-in gift, and voila! You have access to your host’s audience!get new subscribers guest blogger

This is a win-win situation because you are reaching a new audience, and the host gets free, quality content. The mistake many guest bloggers make is not pursuing the relationship after the post is published.

Some people are just looking for a backlink to their site, and it reflects poorly on the writer.

Be an attentive guest blogger and answer comments quickly on the post, and thank the host for the privilege. Building relationships in business is a big key to your continued success.

3. Cross-Promote Blog Posts on Different Platforms

When you have multiple social media platforms, you should promote your blog post where your target audience is.

get new subscribers social media marketingBe careful in doing this tactic and know the rules for each platform, especially when it comes to groups. Some groups will kick you out for spamming if all you do is post articles and don’t contribute to the conversations.

Promote a mix of blog posts that incorporate your general opt-in gift in addition to ones that provide free, quality content and information work well.

Your analytics can help you identify if your content conversion information. Tracking this is useful because you will see and know the source of success or failure, which can mean creating a different opt-in for that particular audience.

Have you struggled to build a list?

Perhaps you don’t know where to begin.

What if you could have an actionable step-by-step process for implementing solutions to build your list fast?

Well, I have the perfect thing to share with you to help you finally build your subscriber list.

get new subscribers

It is called MyNAMS Profit Planners. The current Profit Planner is called Fast Track Your Subscribers and delivers everything you need to build your list.

The package includes:

  • A Textbook
  • An Idea Generator
  • A Workbook that guides you through the process
  • A Checklist to ensure you don’t miss any steps
  • A Tools & Resources guide to help you start with the right tool
  • A Calendar to help you implement the system
  • An Infographic highlighting the main points suitable for printing out

This is a proven system that works. Everything you need to build your list of subscribers for free is included in the Profit Planner.

Check it out here:  Fast Track Your Subscribers

Nothing is left to chance.  All the steps are in this planner.


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