Do You Have What It Takes to Succeed Online – Commitment?

This is the final part of our series on what it takes to and we are talking about .

Excuses can kill any amount of success you may enjoy. They’ll create roadblocks to keep you from further growing your income, so you have commit to learning how to navigate around them or silence them so that you can make progress.

Your mind will come up with all sorts of reasons why good things can’t happen – or won’t. It will tell you that you don’t have enough time to do something, or that you’re too old or not attractive enough to be a leader in your niche.

It will try to make you believe that, because there are already dozens of competitors in the niche, that your voice is not needed – or welcomed.

Most of us seem to have a way of sabotaging our own success. Maybe we grew up with it, thinking we were just being humble – but it’s not an attractive quality in a niche marketer.

In fact, you have to continually nurture your own self confidence and commit to making sure that it’s growing steadily, along with your knowledge.

If your problem is something like lack of time, then you need to make a plan of action that addresses that issue and commit to sticking to the plan.

You could start by saying no to people who infringe on your time (especially since you “work at home”). I find that people assume that if I am home then I must be free to do anything. It can be a challenge to make them understand that you have a business to run.

Ask your spouse or someone else to take over some of the household tasks or errands. If you have to run around, download a lesson and listen to it on the go instead of listening to music or talk radio. I have at least one business book on my phone at all times so I can pick it up and read it whenever I am waiting in line.

Some people want success so much that they get up an hour early or go to bed an hour later – after the kids are asleep – so they have some peace and quiet to concentrate on their business.

Don’t use money (or lack of it) as an excuse, either. There are many ways to start a business online with next to nothing. You can also do it on a shoestring budget where all you’re paying for is a domain of about $10 a year and hosting of about $10 a month.

What could you sell or give up to have that money you need to get going? You know it’s doable, but are you willing to commit to doing what it takes to have the bare necessities of launching an online business?

Becoming an online marketer can be intimidating in some ways, but it’s also the most rewarding career – void of bosses and clocks you have to live by.

You’re in control of your destiny, and while it might make you a bit nervous at first, you learn to embrace it as a thrilling adventure that no J.O.B, could ever compete with.

Make the to hone the skills you have and learn the ones you lack. Put it all into practice and you are well on your way to succeeding online.

If you want to learn more about what it takes to be an entrepreneur, sign-up to get our free guide below.


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Do You Have What it Takes to Succeed Online – Leadership?

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