

When is It Time to Start Outsourcing?

Earlier Than You Think! Really, as soon as you can. You don’t have to spend a lot of money. Hire someone to help you with a few tasks that take you forever or that you can’t do (or at least not without spending a lot of time learning something new). If you can’t afford someone […]

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Outsourcing Checklists!

I’d like to say it is coincidence or that I am a mind reader but, in truth, I did know the topic for this month’s IM Checlkists in advance.  It is …..  Outsourcing. Could you guess? As I was learning about Messenger Marketing last month, it was driven home to me that I need to […]

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9 Ideas for Tasks to Outsource

If you are anything like me, you normally do everything for yourself.  If that is the case,  you may not even know where to start outsourcing your tasks.  It’s not always easy to know which tasks to outsource and which to do yourself. In previous post I talked about streamlining your business and  defining your […]

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What is the True Cost of Outsourcing?

There are many new marketers who are reluctant to outsource, because they don’t like spending the extra money. They think it would be a waste of cash to pay someone else to perform tasks they can do themselves.  I know I thought that way for quite some time. But that thinking is very flawed. Why? […]

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How to Choose a Freelancer

As I mentioned in my previous post, an important part of the outsourcing process is to choose a freelancer.  You will probably have more than one so you want to get this part right. Depending on the job, you may get many replies.  Sifting through them can be a chore so why not go for […]

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