niche research

How to Pick a Good Money Niche – Part 3

Now that you have chosen a niche topic you’ll want to start digging in to see how you can build your niche profit funnel to cater to people’s needs. Outline your niche by finding with both broad and sub-topics. So for instance, the anti aging niche might include these broad topics: wrinkles, hair loss, memory…and […]

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How to Pick a Good Money Niche – Part 2

Continuing on from the previous post, I want to cover two more areas that are important when selecting your niche.  Although I am speaking about affiliate marketing in this post, it applies to other models as well. Digital and Tangible Products Regardless of the niche you choose, your best bet would be one that has […]

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How to Pick a Good Money Niche – Part 1

In my last post I showed you how to get “Your Number” and I trust that you did just that. Now you have two more things to consider: What business model are you going to follow? What niche will you choose? I outlined 5 common business models in my post 5 IM Business Models – […]

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