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How to Use Instagram to Build a List & Get More Followers

In an earlier post I shared a few ideas about How to Gain Instagram Followers, but did you know that you can use Instagram to build your list? When it comes to Instagram, it helps to have a strategy.   You need to develop a plan and you’ll want to work that plan if you hope […]

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Starting Over Part 3 – The Blog Theme

In the continuing Saga of Starting Over, I took a look at the blog, what content I had on there, how it looked, how fast it loaded etc etc. When I set it up a year or so ago, I farted around for a while looking for a theme that I liked, was fast, mobile […]

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IM Checklists Volume 8 – Messenger Marketing

Now that’s what I call timing!   Kevin has recently released his 8th in the IM Checklist series and this set is about Messenger Marketing and it ties in nicely with my two previous posts so I was thrilled to see this. I have been looking at messenger bots over the last week and while I […]

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IM Checklist Vol 7 – Newbie Marketers

Well this is timed well. A few weeks ago I finished my review of the IM Newbie Video training course and this set of checklists for Newbie Marketers is the perfect complement to that course. These checklists are designed for those new to internet marketing and provide you with a step by step list of steps […]

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IM Newbie Video Course Review

I’m back again with a review of Kevin Fahey’s IM Newbie Video Course for those starting out in Internet Marketing or those not yet making $1000/month online. As you may have gathered from previous posts regarding Kevin’s IM Checklists, I am an admirer of Kevin’s products.  I buy each of the checklists before I review […]

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