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leaky funnel

Do You Have a Leaky Funnel? 

We don’t want leaks in any part of our online business but a leaky funnel can really slow you down. Your marketing funnel is the journey that your ideal customer goes on when they seek to solve one of their pain points or problems. The of the marketing funnel is to promote: Awareness Consideration Conversion […]

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build your list

Create an Irresistible Opt-in Incentive to Build Your List

Building a list is essential to a successful online business, we all know that.  The question then becomes how do you build your list? Offering an opt-in gift in exchange for their email information is a common practice when building your list. People need to know more about you before they will purchase anything, so […]

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email tracking

Email Tracking Protocols

In part two of our series I want to cover email tracking protocols that you can use to ensure you are getting the most from your efforts First, you need to understand the process of starting to track your email marketing. It’s about open rates, unsubscribes, and click-through rates.  Sounds simple enough but there is […]

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website analytics

Website Tracking Protocols

We will be talking about protocols for tracking three aspects of your business in the next few days.  In this post, I want to talk about your website tracking protocols. The first thing you need to do to track the effectiveness of your website is to install analytics on your site.  Most people like using […]

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Tracking Conversion Rates

In my previous post, one of the things I mentioned is that you should be tracking conversion rates.  In this post, I expand on the definition of conversion rate and what types of conversion metrics you can be tracking. A conversion rate refers to an audience answering your calls to action (CTA). It doesn’t matter […]

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