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What Is Split Testing

What Is Split Testing? 

What Is Split Testing and How Do I Do It? Split testing is also called A/B testing.  It refers to a controlled experiment that helps you determine whether your stated goals and the actions you choose to reach them are useful. Phew!  It’s just testing one thing against the other to find out which one […]

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WP Download Page Protector

WP Download Page Protector – Review

I have another product review for you today. WP Download Page Protector If you sell digital products and you use your WordPress site to deliver your products, chances are someone will steal your download page link and give it away for free to their friends.  Even worse, they may post the link on blackhat sites […]

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build your list

Are Your Calls To Action Working? 

A call to action (CTA) is an integral part of every single message you send to your audience.  Whether it’s a sales page or a social media post, a call to action must be included if you really want your audience to do what you want them to do. It’s essential to test all your […]

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seo basics 2

9 Simple On-Page SEO Tweaks – Is Your SEO Working?

You have been following all the SEO recommendations you can but do you know if it is working?  The easiest way to improve search results is right on your website using on-page SEO tweaks. In fact, you can go into any blog post you have right now and fix it to work better than it […]

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Using Google Analytics for Website Tracking

Do You Have Good Website Tracking? If you’re not collecting data about your website, it is highly likely you will make incorrect decisions based on your intuition.  The only way to make good business decisions is to use data and Google Analytics is a great place to start. You may be a smart business person […]

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