content marketing

content marketing funnel

How to Map Out Your Content Marketing Funnel

Regardless of the initial goal of your content, the end result you are looking for (in most cases) is getting the sale.  Therefore, you also need a content marketing funnel for each entry point into your business.  Map the path your prospects take from the initial interaction with your content to buying what you have […]

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content marketing basics

The Basics of Content Marketing

The basics of content marketing really haven’t changed much since its inception. The only thing that changes are the tools at your disposal for making content marketing work for you.   Tools like blogs, social media, email autoresponders, streaming video. Often there are multiple options for each type of tool such as Instagram versus Pinterest.  Audience […]

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content marketing

What is Content Marketing, Exactly?

If you are new to marketing you may be wondering… Exactly What is Content Marketing? Content marketing is not an invention that started just when the internet took off.  It’s been around in various forms since the beginning of marketing and advertising. You’ve seen this type of marketing in commercials, television shows, movies, and in […]

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Powerful Content Marketing

Why Content Marketing is a Crucial Strategy for Your Business

Content marketing is one of the most important forms of marketing that exists.  If you are new to online marketing you might be surprised to learn that content marketing is not new.   It has existed since marketing existed, which has been around since people had things to sell. You use content marketing to grab attention, […]

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4 Ideas for Using Evergreen Content

When you start developing content for your niche for content marketing purposes, you’ll want to create a lot of evergreen content. Evergreen content is content that can potentially last forever.  However, it does depend on your niche. For some niches like food, the content can last forever, but for others such as anything to do […]

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