content creation


5 Benefits of Using AI in Your Online Business Correctly

In my post “Numbers Don’t Lie: AI is Here to Stay” I mention using AI to help with sales page generation (see more on that below) and I wanted to expand on the idea of using AI tools to help you with your online business. In this post, I discuss 5 ways you can use […]

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Numbers don’t lie: AI is here to stay!

I have been cautious about using AI in my business efforts.  However, today I bought my first product that makes use of AI in a “proper” manner. By that, I mean that AI is used to help you create content, in this case sales pages, but is only one tool in the toolkit. According to […]

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content marketing basics

The Basics of Content Marketing

The basics of content marketing really haven’t changed much since its inception. The only thing that changes are the tools at your disposal for making content marketing work for you.   Tools like blogs, social media, email autoresponders, streaming video. Often there are multiple options for each type of tool such as Instagram versus Pinterest.  Audience […]

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testing and tracking

7 Reasons Why You Can’t Afford to Skip Testing and Tracking 

Testing and tracking can seem tedious and boring but without it you have no chance to improve your site, product, marketing or anything else that can lead to success.  I have struggled in the past (and still have to push myself sometimes) to actually do the tracking and testing.  The results are almost always surprising! […]

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