online course creation

Should You Create Your Own Online Course?

Have you ever entertained the idea of creating your own online course?

Perhaps you want to give away a free course to build your brand and reputation?

Like most bloggers or other small business owners and entrepreneurs, you might see an online course as a great way to build a passive income stream that reliably puts money in your pocket every day (or at least monthly). If you are considering creating, marketing, and selling or giving away an online course, there has never been a better time to do so.

Online Course Creation

Thanks to the global reach of the Internet, there are billions of people who can get access to your course. They can live thousands of miles and several time zones away and get their hands on your course.  It does not matter where they live so long as they have an Internet connection.

4,574,150,134 Internet Uses world wide in March 2020

That statistic comes to us from, a website that dedicates itself to tracking how many people have an Internet connection. By the way, that number is steadily growing. That means that you could pitch your online course to more than 55% of the world’s population once you get it online.

No doubt you already understand the inherent power of the still-growing Internet to build your business.

If this is true, why haven’t you already built, launched, marketed, and profited from an online course? Ask most bloggers or Internet entrepreneurs this question and they will invariably give you some combination of the following answers:

  • They don’t know what topic to pursue.
  • They don’t know if their idea will be profitable or not.
  • How can someone test-drive a potential topic before spending a bunch of time and money on course creation?
  • They don’t know what to do first.
  • What size or length should my course be?
  • What format do I use for delivery?
  • Should I make a video course or a text-based course?
  • Should I include an upsell?
  • What marketing method is the best?
  • What do I do if my course is a success/failure?

The answers to these and other related questions will be included in the coming days and weeks as I continue my “” series of blog posts.

If you are interested in how to create a course and are in a hurry, check out Create Courses for Profit

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Online Course Creation

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