Shiny Object Syndrome: Myth or Fact?

Sometimes, in certain industries like Internet Marketing, buzz words and phrases get thrown around and joked about in forums where colleagues gather to discuss strategies, progress and obstacles.

One of them is or . It’s supposed to encompass the process where struggling marketers continually abandon their projects to chase something new and exciting.

There are two camps of thought about this behavior – that it’s a very real and cumbersome thing to deal with or that it’s nothing more than a myth – an excuse people use to get out of working hard to achieve their goals.

Is it a Real Thing or a Myth?

The reality is, it can be both, even for the same person. It just depends on what they’re going through in that moment. Let me explain. It’s a fact that new courses, tools, and strategies are released on a daily basis.

People learning this business must immerse themselves in self-learning, which means staying aware of these three things, and trying to discern what’s worthy of their time. Sometimes, their excitement takes over because those who are more successful have laid out an alluring promise of increased financial success with less work and less time.

These are people who have studied the art of persuasion for years and they know exactly how to prey on their customers. Sometimes, it’s not anything unrealistic – but it might not be the best option for a newbie who has never followed through.

Unfortunately, the less experienced individual sees the shiny new object and looks at their current situation with worry. The what if questions flood their mind.

What if I’m Wasting my Time?

Because it takes months and even years to build a successful business, they see this as a strategic and preventative measure to protect their time and effort. They don’t see it as abandoning their work, but chasing the right thing instead.

There’s a lack of confidence in them to believe in what they had chosen to do – whether it’s invest in a course, use a specific strategy or business model, or master a tool that helps them in their business.

In these cases, there’s really no one to blame. The vendors are using strategic sales techniques to pull in customers and the consumer, who is responsible for their purchases, just doesn’t know any better.

The Emotional Component

In these cases, the person isn’t being pulled by the object or the techniques used to promote it. Instead, they’re being pulled by some sort of emotional component that drives them from their current path.

It’s more about avoidance and sometimes envy than it is what they’re chasing. Think about those who suffer from FOMO (fear of missing out). This is a herd mentality where they don’t want to be left sitting on the sidelines, so they get drawn into something out of a sense of envy.

Other emotions they might feel that aren’t about the product or tools they’re chasing, but their own situation are boredom, hopelessness or a lack of confidence. When you’re not enjoying what you’re doing, or feel negative about it in some way, it’s hard to push through to the finish line.

But it’s not about the shiny new object – it’s about the internal messaging they’re allowing to run free and take over. This is something that doesn’t feel good, so they start chasing something else to alleviate that pain and avoid shame.

Shame develops because if you simply walk away and quit, then you’ve given up. But if you replace the old with something new, then you’re technically still being diligent and can convince yourself (and others) about what a go-getter you are.

Does it Matter if it is Real or A Myth?

Not really.  If you realize that you fall into the trap of continually buying the newest shiny object without even using the last one you bought,  it’s time to change.,

Instead of worrying about whether your shiny object syndrome is even ‘real’, figure out what you can do to effectively rid yourself of this problem. There’s a lot of willpower involved, but it’s more than that.

You’re an adult running your own business. If you hired people to run your operation and they continually failed to complete projects, you’d fire them on the spot. They certainly wouldn’t deserve to get paid for not following through.

Treat yourself like an employee at the end of each day, rewarding the hard work you’ve put in. Analyze whether you would say you were a good employee or a bad one. If you can’t get your shiny object syndrome under control, it may be that you need to read more leadership and entrepreneurial content.

This will empower you mentally and you can feel good about what you’re doing without relying on the input of others. And the honest truth is, not everyone is cut out to be an entrepreneur.

Some people work better under the strict guidance of a corporation with a boss telling them exactly what to do. But I suspect, since you were hungry enough to pursue this line of work, that you have what it takes to power up and take back control from a behavior that has set out to destroy your future.

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