secrets of content marketing

Secrets of Content Marketing for Blogs and Facebook

Well, here we are with our 3rd set of ‘secrets’ to boosting the effectiveness of your marketing efforts with these 3 more secrets of .

Let’s dig right in.

How to get Bloggers (big and small) to Share your Blog Posts with Their Readerssecrets of content marketing blog

This is so easy, yet few bloggers take the time and the benefits are two-fold:

  1. You will likely get extra traffic – maybe even LOTS of extra traffic.
  2. It’s a great way to begin building relationships with other bloggers.

Here’s how it works:

  • Choose a topic for your next blogpost. Now search out other content related to the post you’re writing. It could be articles, podcasts, infographics, blogposts, videos, etc., as long as it directly relates to what you’re writing about.
  • Not sure how to find the best content? Use a tool like Buzzsumo to locate the highest shared content for your keyword.
  • Get in touch with these content creators right away. Let them know you’re working on a post and you’re going to include a reference to their work.
  • Ask if they would like to see the post when you’re done. Be friendly and keep your messages fairly short and straight to the point. If you want to gush a little bit about how you live their (blog, videos, products, etc.) go ahead.
  • When your post is published, let them know they’re featured in your newly published content. Even if they didn’t reply to your first email, let them know. Maybe they were just busy.
  • If they like your content, many of them will share it with their readers and social media. Be sure to THANK THEM profusely when they do this.

Optimize Your Facebook Postssecrets of content marketing facebook post

Things to know…

  • Run tests to see what types of posts, headlines and images your audience prefers.
  • Avoid clickbait headlines, as these will hurt your new feed rank.
  • Definitely use hashtags whenever appropriate, since they increase interactions by 60%.
  • When appropriate, use a question to get 100% more comments than non-question posts (Source: KISSMetrics)
  • Link titles should have less than 100 characters
  • Publish between 5pm and 1am for the most interactions (Source: TrackMaven)
  • Engage with photos because 93% of the most engaged posts contain photos
  • Use videos as well for even more engagement
  • The most engaging length for a Facebook post? Is between 50 and 99 characters. (Source: Simply Measured)
  • Posts with emoticons receive 33% more comments and are shared 33% more often. (Source: AMEX Open Forum)
  • Saturday and Sunday posts have much higher average engagement (Source: TrackMaven)

Join Facebook Groupssecrets of content marketing facebook groups

Facebook groups are an excellent way to connect with people interested in just about any topic – including yours.

You do have to be careful of really spammy groups that are not well monitored.  Just scroll down and look at the posts.  Also take the time to look at the profile.  These might set off the ‘spam’ alarms.  With these caveats in mind, this strategy can work.

In Facebook groups you can really get to know your audience, and eventually promote your content. Here’s how:

  • Create a list of keywords that best describe your niche.
  • Enter each keyword or phrase into the search field, click search and click on ‘groups.’
  • Don’t bother with public groups
  • Make sure the group is active but not ridiculously so.  Perhaps 20 posts a day or less is a good cut off.  Any more than that and they are probably spam.
  • Join the groups that look the most promising, but don’t share your content right away.
  • Read the rules, participate in the conversations, help others and answer questions.
  • When someone asks a question that your content can answer, then share your content.
  • Or share your content as updates, asking the group for feedback.

We are just getting started so please check back for more secrets of .

PS.  Daily Content Profits shows you exactly where to post your content, what size your graphics and images should be, how often to post and best of all you’ll be able to easily outsource this to a VA!

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