LifeStyle business Challenge

Recap 30 Days of Building a Business That Serves You and Your Lifestyle 

Wow, here we are at the end of the 30 Days of Building a Business That Serves You and Your Lifestyle Challenge.

I hope you have learned something new and useful doing the challenge.

Let’s take a quick walk down memory lane and browse through all the different topics we covered over the past 29 days.

In the last month, you’ve learned about building a business that practically runs itself. You’ve learned about various technology that can help you build this type of business and about the mindset that you’ll need to achieve this goal.

The main thing you need to take from this series is that you can build a business that works for you and provides for you in the way that you need. You don’t have to do things the traditional way today to achieve this.

Productivity is not about the hours you spend slaving away; it’s about the impact of your work on your goals.

Please use this page as a quick way to read all the articles and information that you have gone through this past month. You can come back to this information again and again if you bookmark it.

Here’s a quick rundown:ebook cover

1. Build a Business That Supports Your Lifestyle 
2. It Isn’t Just About the Money
3. What You Need to Know About Time
4. But I Don’t Have Time for That 
5. How to Decide What is the Best Use of Your Time
6. Balancing the Day Job and the Side Hustle
7. What Will Your Life to Look Like in Five Years? 
8. Aligning Your Short-Term Goals with Your Long-Term Vision
9. How Much Do You Need to Make to Live Comfortably?
10. Need Short-Term Income?
11. The Pros and Cons of Creating Passive Income
12. Have the Freedom and Peace of Mind You Seek
13. Focus Your Time and Efforts on What is Working
14. Leverage Your Existing Assets to Scale Up Your Business
15. Don’t Let Your Business Take Over Your Personal Life
16. Make Sure You’re Doing What You Want to Do
17. Don’t Let Others Dictate Your Path to Success
18. Ask for Advice to Shortcut Your Path to a Successful Business
19. Different Ways to Reach Your Audience and Establish Your Expertise 
20. When is It Time to Start Outsourcing?
21. How to Widen Bottlenecks in Your Business
22. Don’t Grow Your Business Too Quickly
23. Is Working Whenever & Wherever Important to You? 
24. Why You Want a Mobile Office Setup
25. Contingency Plans – What Will You Do When Things Go Wrong
26. Creating a Business That Almost Runs Itself 
27. Why You Need to Have an Exit Strategy
28. Allow Your Business to Grow and Change with You
29. Reevaluate Your Dreams and Goals Regularly
30. Recap 30 Days of Building a Business That Serves You and Your Lifestyle

What about these 30 days has impacted you the most? What tips, tricks, tactics, and ideas have you found to be the most helpful?

Take a few minutes today to reflect on not only how far you’ve come, but more importantly, how this simple 30-day challenge has influenced you and changed you for the better.

What positive experiences have you had as a result of the Building Your Business Around Your Lifestyle Challenge?

Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.

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Lifestyle Business

Reevaluate Your Dreams and Goals Regularly

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