
Product Dyno Review

If you deliver digital content in any form, you really need a secure and easy to use delivery system.  I used to just create a folder on my site, add the content, add an robot.txt and index.html that supposedly limited the folder being crawled.  Not secure at all.

Then in May 2017, I heard about this new platform that offered secure and quick product delivery.  It is called and I picked it up during the initial launch.

I love it!

It seemed to meet all my needs at the time (and then some) and it has continued to grow ever since.  They have a section where you can submit suggestions for features or improvements and they actually read and act on them!

So, what is it and what can it do for you?

What Is ?

Product Dyno is a sales and delivery platform for anyone selling digital products, such as ebooks, videos, membership sites, apps and similar items. Product Dyno has two key features that are designed to help sellers get their products to market more quickly and securely:

1. It makes it easy for sellers to securely deliver content.

That’s because the platform contains dual-layer security to protect your content. This dual layer includes expiring download links and customer log ins. This means that only people who’ve purchased your content can access it, so you don’t have to worry about people sharing your download links on black hat sites.

2. Product Dyno lets sellers manage all their services in one place.

Instead of constantly logging in and out of services such as payment processors and autoresponders, Product Dyno brings these services in one convenient place. Once you connect your services within the Product Dyno dashboard, you can use them with any product with just a click of your mouse.

What Can Product Dyno do for You?

As an online marketer, you will probably have several product of your own that you wish to sell.  You need to be able to manage not only the products but also your customers.  Here are the main benefits of using Product Dyno to manage these essential assets:

There are Zero restrictions on how many buyers you can have in your account. Sell 100 products or 100,000 products – It’s up to you!


There are also no restrictions on how many times your products are downloaded. Single files, streaming content, bundles, zips – No limits.


Grab a VIP level account and you can protect all your current and future products all under one powerful dashboard.


provides seamless connections to payment platforms, autoresponder/mail services plus webhooks / Zapier integration.


The creators of are committed to ongoing platform development to guarantee long-term scalability & value for users.


Quickly track orders, customers, downloads and much more. Everything at your fingertips so you stay on top of your business.


Once set product delivery/user management system is fully automated freeing up your time for other business tasks.


No more form filling for your buyers. The second their purchase is complete they’ll receive access creditials without delay.


Deter serial refunders and prevent ‘digital pirates’ from accessing your products with just a simple click of your mouse.


OK, so now you have an idea of what it is and what it can do for you,  take a look at a quick demo of setting up a product.

So now that you have a general idea of what Product Dyno does, let’s take a look at the pros and cons…

Product Dyno Pros

So, what’s good about this platform?  Take a look…

Product Dyno is Slim Yet Powerful

If you’ve looked at similar selling platforms, then you know a lot of them are bloatware with big learning curves. Product Dyno is different, because it includes only the features you need, which makes the platform slim yet very powerful. And that means it’s user-friendly with an intuitive interface – so you can get right to work setting up your account and your products.

And here’s something else…

Even though Product Dyno is very intuitive, it still includes plenty of support documentation to get you up and running fast. So, if you need a little extra help with any of the features, there’s a support document or video to help you figure things out fast.

Integrates With Top Services

As mentioned, one of Product Dyno’s key features is that it lets you connect and manage all your services in one convenient place.

Currently, the platform integrates with all the top services, and more are being added every day. Here are the services that currently seamlessly integrate with Product Dyno:


•  Aweber
•  Active Campaign
•  Constant Contact
•  Get Response
•  iContact
•  Mail Chimp
•  SendLane
•  ConvertKit

Payment processors:

•  ClickBank
•  GumRoad
•  Paddle
•  ThriveCart
•  Stripe
•  PayPal

Don’t see your service on the list? No problem. That’s because you can ask the Product Dyno developers to add your service if it’s not already included, and they’ll be happy to do so.

Secures Your Content

One of the big benefits of using Product Dyno is that it makes it easy to secure your content. What’s more, you can secure your content in multiple ways, including:

1.Securing your content on your own domain. All you have to do is paste a bit of code into your delivery page, the Product Dyno secures it. It’s like putting a padlock on your content!

2.Securing your content in your Amazon S3 account. Product Dyno adds an extra layer of security to this content.

3.Securing your content using Product Dyno’s hosting feature. You don’t even need to host your delivery page if you don’t want to, as Product Dyno will do it for you.

As mentioned, Product Dyno’s dual-layer security includes expiring download links and customer logins. This means you don’t need to worry about hackers guessing the location of your delivery pages, nor do you need to worry about thieves and pirates sharing them.

If you’re selling software (SaaS), Product Dyno also includes a licensing feature to add another layer of security. You can decide how many licenses to allow for each product. If a customer asks for a refund, Product Dyno revokes their access to the app so they can’t keep using it.

Automates Your Business

Another big feature of Product Dyno is that it’s built to automate your business. In fact, the platform integrates with Zapier, which is an automation app that allows you to connect hundreds of other apps and services together. You can then automate common marketing tasks (such as social media marketing), customer service processes, analytics, email and much more.

Developed by Simon Hodgkinson and Jeremy Gislason

If you’ve heard of these two names before, then you know why this is such as advantage. These two professionals have many years of experience building software for marketers, so you can be assured that the platform will continue to evolve and be supported.

So those are some of the best features of Product Dyno.

Click Here

Is there room for improvement? Take a look…

Product Dyno Cons

As I see it, Product Dyno is a very strong competitor in this arena. You’ll find very few platforms that include this many features while still remaining extremely easy to use.

Nonetheless, one possible downside is that the platform doesn’t include hosted sales pages. From the platform’s perspective, there really is no reason to, since the platform focuses on delivering secure content (which is why they give you the option to host your delivery pages). However, beginners without websites who are looking for a fully hosted sales solution will need to connect another service to Product Dyno.

A second potential downside is that Product Dyno doesn’t include very many templates for your delivery pages. However, this appears to only be a temporary problem, as they’re likely going to open this part of the platform up to developers to create more templates. So, it may just be a just a matter of time before sellers have a wider variety of templates available.

For now, the templates they do have are very professional and extremely customizable, so they’ll suit most sellers’ purposes. And of course you always have the option of creating and hosting your own delivery pages, as the templates are just a nice touch and a convenience feature for those who’d rather have Product Dyno host their content.

A possible third downside is that it has a lot of features that may need to bring together to set up your product to your liking.  Make sure you actually watch the videos they provide on how to set all the parts up the best way.  I did not do this at first as I was too impatient.  I regretted it quickly.  I had done a fair bit of work only to find I had to redo it as I had misunderstood one little thing.  The videos are great and if you do as they suggest and watch the ALL BEFORE starting you will find the process goes very smoothly.



Can I Use ProductDyno To Deliver Both Free and Paid Products To My Customers?

Yes, of course you can! Here are the three options you can use:

    • Paid Access – The customer must pay via your preferred platform(s) for access to your digital content and files.
    • Public Access – Anyone with the URL can access this content without a login and no registration needed.
    • Free Access – No payment needed but users must register and then login to access the protected delivery area.


Can I Use ProductDyno To Protect Existing Download Pages?

Yes you can, we call it “External Content Locking”

If you already have a download page or member area you can secure it the easy way. Simply enter the URL to the first page you would like your logged in customers to see and paste our Copy Protection Code into your page(s) code.

You’ll then receive links to registration, login and forgot password pages. Anyone not logged in who tries to access this URL will be redirected to your Login page.


Can I Build A With ProductDyno as well as Regular Download/Delivery Pages?
Yes you can. You can build and protect any kind of page inside ProductDyno and add any kind of content you choose including: Articles, Audios, Videos, Downloadable Files and Images and more. It’s simple too (no coding required) just click/copy & paste.

The Verdict

I’ve been working with this platform for a while now, and it’s one of the easiest and most secure ways to bring your digital products to market.

If you’re tired of people stealing your products and even sharing them with others, this is a really easy way to put a lock on your content.

If you’re looking for an easier way to string together all the necessary services needed to bring your product to market, this is an excellent management solution.

If you sell any digital products, from ebooks to membership sites to apps, this is a great way to sell and deliver your products securely. You don’t need any tech knowledge, because it’s all point and click easy to set up and secure the delivery of your products.

Take a look for yourself here at
Product Dyno

It really is worth looking into.


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