How to Pick a Good Money Niche – Part 3

Now that you have chosen a topic you’ll want to start digging in to see how you can build your profit funnel to cater to people’s needs.

Outline your niche by finding with both broad and sub-topics. So for instance, the anti aging niche might include these broad topics: wrinkles, hair loss, memory…and so on.

Drill down in each of those topics looking for problems that you can solve or that you can promote a product that solves it. For example, the topic of wrinkles could be drilled down into crow’s feet and fine lines around the mouth.

So, how do you find these problems?

Find places on the internet (or locally if appropriate) and listen to what people asking about. You can read blog or forum posts to see what issues are people having in your niche.

Create a list of possible products that address each of your findings.  In anti-aging for example,  there are broad anti aging products as well as products just for wrinkles.  From there you can further refine into serums, creams and lotions – for eyes or other areas.

Another place to look is Yahoo Answers. This site can not only be a great source of ideas for products in your selected niche, but you can find ideas for related products for future growth.

Make sure you organize your research in such a way that you can keep track of where you have been and what you have found. Note any possible additional ideas worth later investigation.  Notice I said later – it is very easy to get side tracked. Focus on what you have selected as your niche but make a quick note about potential areas of research.

Well, that’s it for selecting a good money niche.

Oh, if you find yourself bored with researching your niche, you should find another one that will hold your interest over time.  Research does NOT stop once you have selected your niche. You will be continually looking for what people want to know about your niche and either finding or creating it for them.

Seriously, it had better be something that can hold your interest. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!

I have a free report that goes into more detail. Sign up for my newsletter and in addition to the report you see in the sign-up form, I will also send you How to Choose a Good Money Niche.

If you have already signed up and not picked up the report, just send me an email via the contact form and I will send you a download link. Make sure to use the email you signed up with so that I know you are actually on my list.

‘Til next time!


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