Outsourcing Checklists!

I’d like to say it is coincidence or that I am a mind reader but, in truth, I did know the topic for this month’s IM Checlkists in advance.  It is …..  Outsourcing.

Could you guess?

As I was learning about Messenger Marketing last month, it was driven home to me that I need to some more tasks.  To say I was thrilled to see that this is the topic of this month’s checklists is an understatement.

Kevin’s checklists cover every step you need to take to be successful.

Here are the Outsourcing Checklists that are included:

Checklist 1: Needs Assessment Checklist

While there can be a general understanding of how one is to assess needs for a particular project, every field has different requirements, and so it is pertinent to understand how to conduct a needs assessment for outsourcers from various fields.

Checklist 2: Hiring Outsources

This list covers the different websites, outlets, or platforms on which you can different types of tasks to individuals who are skilled and experienced. Freelancers now offer to do a variety of tasks, such as content development, research, design, virtual assistants, programming, and website development.

Checklist 3: How To Find The Right Person For Your Team

Finding the right person is of prime importance as the wrong one can cost you dearly in time, money and reputation.

Checklist 4: On Freelancer

Follow these steps to get setup on Freelancer, post your project, select your freelancer and complete the job.

Checklist 5: On Upwork

Follow these steps to get setup on Upwork, post your project, select your freelancer and complete the job.

Checklist 6: Outsourcing On Onlinejobs.php

Determine who you need and why you need them, that is, figure out the exact job you would like your hire to do

Checklist 7: Staff Time Control

Shows you the steps to setup Time Doctor to manage the time of your staff

Checklist 8: Paying Your Staff

Paying your staff can be a confusing task, especially if the staff you have is a mix of workers, full-time workers, part-time workers, and remote staff. Here is a checklist for the different types of ways you can pay your staff.

Checklist 9: Managing Access And Passwords

How to manage passwords for the various tools and sites required for your outsourcer to complete their project.

Checklist 10: Team Manager Tasks

This checklist will help you manage your team of outsourcers

Checklist 11: Team Training

If you have a team of freelancers,  you will need to train your team properly so that they work together effectively and work to your standards.

Checklist 12: Contracts And NDAs

Contracts and Non-Disclosure Agreements are an essential component of any freelancer or outsourcing agreement, especially given how sensitive online work has become and how big of a threat competitors have become. Information is perhaps the most valuable asset in the market today, so it is essential that you safeguard sensitive information about your company and project.

Checklist 13: How To Outsource A Digital Product From Start To Finish

Many times, we outsource our work piecemeal but there are times when having a product done from start to finish by outsources just make sense,

Checklist 14: Negotiations For Prices And Work Turnaround

Negotiations for prices and fees as well as work turnarounds from outsourced employees or freelancers can be a confusing task, especially if you are unaware of the negotiation culture of a particular society or if you do not know how to negotiate in general. This checklist takes you through the different things you need to make sure of when negotiating.

Checklist 15: Testing A Potential Outsourcer

Even if they comes recommended by someone, always give potential outsources a small test to determine if they can do what you want when you want and for the desired cost.

Checklist 16: How To Outsource Your Support Desk

One of the most time consuming things in your business can be the support desk.  Once your business begins to grow, you will probably want to outsource this task.

Checklist 17: How To Outsource A Software From Start To Finish

Like having a digital product outsourced from start to finish, doing so for software requires the same attention to the project all through the process.

Checklist 18: Things A VA Can Do

You may have thought about hiring a VA.  While they cannot just take over your business and run it for you, the are numerous tasks that they can perform.

Video Training

In addition, there is over an hour in video training on Outsourcing Mastery!  In it, Kevin covers:

  • The different types of outsourcers and contract workers available,
  • Do’s and Don’ts  of Outsourcing
  • Outsourcing Software from Start to Finish
  • Outsourcing a Digital Product from Start to Finish
  • Outsourcing Daily Tasks to your VA

As you can usee, the training ties in nicely with the checklists.

I do have one criticism of some of the checklists in the volume and that is some of the items in a few of the lists are not clear or are poorly worded.  Maybe I am picky but if I am following something step by step, I want the steps to make sense.   This is the first time I have seen this happen in any of these IM Checklist products so I am hoping it is just a one time glitch.

Having said that, I did bring what I found to the attention of support staff and they did get back to me to say they were in the processes of addressing the issues.  I can see that the biggest one has indeed been rectified.

As I write this, it is currently the day before the launch so fingers crossed they have these issues resolved.

None of these problems will stop you from being able to use the lists, it just makes a few of them more confusing that it has to be.

With that said, I still believe these lists will be of benefit to anyone doing outsourcing on any scale and I have created my bonuses to add to your outsourcing knowledge and to help you get your first outsourcing project up and running.

3 Exclusive Bonuses

If you pick up these outsourcing checklist from any of my links on this page, you will also get my 3 exclusive bonuses I have been working on this week.

Bonus # 1  Outsourcing Templates

This collection of templates will help you complete the tasks in these checklists by providing you with:

Guide to Outsourcing

Templates for Project Listings for the following:

  • Graphic Work
  • Virtual Assistant
  • Web Development Work
  • Writing Work

Templates for Project Specifications for the following:

  • Graphic Work
  • Virtual Assistant
  • Web Development Work
  • Writing Work

Evaluating Applications Checklist

Suggested Interview Questions

Constructive Feedback Template

Quality Check Checklist

Comprehensive List of Outsourcing Sites

Bonus #2  Outsourcing for Bloggers and Entrepreneurs


This 21 eBook makes a great companion to Kevin’s checklists, especially for those just getting started with outsourcing.  It covers all of the following.

  • Why Outsource as a Blogger/ Entrepreneur?
  • Identifying Tasks You Can Outsource
  • 4 Jobs and Activities You Should Be Handling Yourself
  • Starting Small & Working Your Way Up
  • Where to Find Contractors
  • How to Manage Your Team Members
  • Get an Editorial Calendar
  • Review Work Early and Often
  • Bringing on a Project Manager to Make Things Easier
  • 8 Common Outsourcing Mistakes to Avoid

Bonus # 3  How to Outsource Like a Pro

This 9 page “no fluff” guide is another great companion to the checklists.  It covers the following How to:

Identify Your Outsourcing Task  – includes 7 questions you must answer before outsourcing

Write Your Project Description – shows you the 7 elements successful project descriptions must have

Eliminate Unqualified Bids –  6 things to check to quickly eliminate unqualified bids to save you time

Pick 3 to 5 Qualified Candidates –  6 items to consider when picking candidates who are qualified

Pick the Most Qualified Freelancer –  4 tips to choosing the right freelancer for your project

So, there you have it IM Checklist Vol 9 Outsourcing.

I wish you much success in your outsourcing efforts.



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