Numbers don’t lie: AI is here to stay!

I have been cautious about in my business efforts.  However, today I bought my first product that makes use of AI in a “proper” manner.

By that, I mean that AI is used to help you create content, in this case sales pages, but is only one tool in the toolkit.

According to a recent survey by the Content Marketing Institute, 55% of B2B marketers are to generate content, and an additional 29% plan to start in the near future.

Another survey by Demand Metric shows that 71% of companies are already using AI to improve their marketing efforts, and an additional 23% plan to start using AI in the next 12 months.

Salesforce research also found that 53% of companies are already using AI in their marketing efforts, and an additional 37% plan to start using AI in the next 12 months.

The adoption of AI in creating marketing materials is growing fast as many companies are recognizing the potential of AI to save time and resources.

Everyone’s adding AI to the mix for one reason only: It adds to the bottom-line profitability. That’s why companies make sweeping changes.

The use of AI in creating marketing materials is changing the way marketers create material in all areas such as:

√ Optimizing ad targeting and personalization
√ Predictive modeling
√ Analyzing customer data
√ Email marketing
√ Chatbots
√ Social Media marketing

But the fastest, most effective area where you can create even greater profit is with sales letters. Don’t hesitate though because change is happening fast.

Believe me, HUGE sweeping changes are headed your way. Get onboard now or get left behind.

Even Google, Adobe, Microsoft, Facebook, and my others are scrambling to catch up because this change is happening so fast.

How can you take advantage of this quickly?

ChatGPT and the NAMSToolkit copywriting automation tools.

WARNING: But don’t be fooled. The tool without expertise is just a distraction that WILL HURT your business instead of improving it.

Lucky for you, the NAMS folks led by Jen Perdew have already been coaching people on how to use with quality inputs combined with their NAMSToolkit copywriting automation tools to create sales letters that convert better than ever.

That’s what they do. Dig out the nuggets of new tools and new processes that can enhance already proven marketing strategies and techniques.

And focus on the results.

This training plus access is available for less than $10 at the time of writing.

But look at everything you’re getting with this “How to Create Winning Sales Letters with ChatGPT” training package:

√ Video Training
√ Audio MP3
√ Full Edited Transcript
√ NAMSToolkit Copywriting Automation Toolkit including:
— Sales Letter Questionnaire with 25 research prompts
— Customer Avatar creation software
— Message to Market Match branding software
— Stories that Persuade creation software
— World’s 100 Greatest Headlines generation software
— Sales Letter Generator
— Keyword Analysis Tool and Content Plan Creator
— Hub and Spoke SEO Traffic Visualizer
— NAMS Tweet Composer and Automation software
√ ChatGPT Resource Guide with access to more than a dozen groups to get 1000s of prompts
√ Facebook group to answer questions and help you get more out of these tools

All of this for less than $10!

How to Create Winning Sales Letters with ChatGPT

Creating a persuasive sales letter is all about asking the right questions in the right order and assembling that information in a sales letter that has worked for decades and continues to work today.

But that sounds like a lot of work, right? Only if you don’t follow our instructions using the tools that we’re revealing today.

And if you know the questions to ask, ChatGPT or any AI tool can be a big timesaver and help you create sales letters that convert like crazy.

Remember, money loves speed.

That’s why this training is so important.

Don’t miss this amazing training at an amazing price.

As you can see, this is a ridiculous deal. And if I know the NAMS folks, and I do, it won’t be around long.

By the way, there are upsells with this offer and I highly recommend you take a look at them, but they are not required to fully use the ChatGPT tool with NAMSToolkit copywriting tools.

Get it here: How to Create Winning Sales Letters with ChatGPT

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