Matt Bacak Mesterfile

Matt Bacak’s “The Masterfile” – Bought it!

If you are sending emails, or are thinking about doing , then the file that is offering is essential.

If you have not heard of Matt Macak, he is one of the most successful email marketers out there.  Period.

He is the “go to guy” for many other successful marketers who want to up their game.

His previous product, Secret Email System is a great guide on how to do email marketing successfully.  If you picked it up you know what I mean.  This product is the perfect addition to it (but you do not need the first to use this one)

So, what is this new product?

7682 Subject Lines Were Actually Tested

The Masterfile

Yes, 7682 email subject lines that were tested and actually work.

And I just bought it.

Matt is one of the most successful email marketers, ever.  A great part of his success is due to his incredible split testing.

For those of us who do not have a list of many thousands, getting really good results from our split testing is very difficult.  This is where Matt’s Masterfile comes in.

While these are written for Internet Marketing, they can easily be changed for any niche with a bit of tweaking.

But first, why email subject lines?

You make a lot more money sending email than any other marketing strategy online. In fact, for every $1 spent on Email Marketing, the average return on investment is now a whopping $42.00 (that’s a 4,200% ROI).

It’s the most profitable thing you can do.

There are many email millionaires all over the world who seem to have no problem instantly putting money in their pocket by sending email.

They just won’t hand you their tested subject line file — But I will!

Getting people to open your emails and click your links is the goal of email marketing. It can be difficult to find the right subject lines (NOT clickbait – don’t do that) to get your subscribers interested enough to click the link in your email.

The video below shows you the source of the information you get inside this Masterfile.

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So, as you can see, Matt really does split test the heck out his email campaigns and knows how to use the data he gets.  summarizes his testing results for you

During this past year, Matt’s email marketing business tripled!  Because of that, he is giving 100% OF THE PROCEEDS to help children in need all over the world.

Can these subject lines be used in all niches?

Although these are written for the IM niche, the vast majority are general enough that these subject lines can be used in any market or niche.  For many of them, all you have to do is change 1 word or a price and you are ready to roll.

What is included?

In the first section of the Masterfile, they are in order of time, starting with the newest test. You see the 5 different subject lines he used in the test and the one that actually won.  He also indicates what product the email was promoting (although you may have to guess at some of the abbreviations).

Maybe all you want are the winners (and there is a list of those) but the test data is very useful. In fact, I’d say you will miss out on a huge value if all you use is the list of winners.

The test data gives you lots of ideas for your own split testing (yes, you should be doing this anyway). Some of the differences in the tests are very subtle while others are so different it makes you wonder how he came up with the tests.

As I read through the groups of subject lines, I can see patterns emerging that surprised me. I will definitely take these into account when creating email subject lines and post or article titles.

There is also a list of winners so you can look, grab and use them.

HINT:  if you see a headline that appears in the winners more than once, USE IT if you can!

TIP: When you find a headline in the winners that looks good, especially if it appears multiple times, use the search tool in Acrobat Reader to search the document for all occurrences of that phrase.  This way you can see what product it was used for, what other subjects it beat, and what it lost to as well. This can be quite eye-opening.

Will it help me make more money?

As with any product, if you don’t use it, it will not help you.  Assuming you have a list, using these subject lines is bound to increase your open rate.  That is the first step.  Whether or no your subscribers click your link depends on the body of your email.

If you do not yet have a list (start building one now!) you can use them for blog post titles and article titles!

What kind of License comes with this offer?

You are given a non-transferable, “personal use” license to this product. You cannot distribute it or share it with other individuals. Also, there are no resale rights or private label rights granted when purchasing this swipe file. In other words, it’s for you and you only.

Now, there are OTO’s.  The front end product is exactly what he says it is.  It is great value for the price.  You can stop there and you will have 7682 subject lines you can use over and over.

There is value in the OTOs.  As I am interested in how he comes up with the subject lines I decided to get the first OTO.  I passed on the others as they are not something I will be using much in the near future or I already have them.


26 months of videos that show you exactly how he analyzes the results of the split test PLUS the actual emails he sent.  I picked this up as well.

I have just looked at November 2020. First, we have a video that shows how he analyses the results.  He uses at least 10,000 subscribers per subject line!!!

As he talks, he also explains why he chose the words he did and where he gets his ideas for subject lines, and it is not always past winners.  Fantastic information.  So much I did not know and I just don’t have the resources to do this much testing.

I often struggle with subject lines.  As all of the ones Matt tests are ones that have won in the past or he thinks could be winners based on his years of experience, just going over the list of tests can give you ideas you may never have thought of otherwise.

In addition to the video, you get the spreadsheet of the test results AND all the emails that go with them.  To find the email related to a particular test, just look for the FIRST test subject line.  That is what is used as the title for the email.

So much great information.  I can’t wait to start putting it to good use.


Secret Email Mastermind – a private mastermind where the latest strategies, techniques, and tactics of the email business model are discussed by highly successful email marketers.  One Year of Access.


Secret Email Mastermind – monthly access if the previous offer is too big an investment.  Very reasonable price and you can cancel any time.


20 List-Marketing Checklists for creating and growing a responsive list


It is on a dime sale until Jan 4, 2021 and even though the price is rising all the time, it is still a great value.  If you wait until after the 4th, the price will be WWAAYYY more.

Matt Bacak Mesterfile

Pick up Matt Bacak’s Masterfile here!


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