I Know my Niche so Now What?

Congratulations on choosing your niche!

Now that you know what you want to target, how do you start?

What is your plan of attack?

Well, you want people interested in your niche to read/listen to what you have to say so that they get to know and trust you.  Without that know and trust factor, you are not going to get very far.

You have to position yourself as a leader in your niche.

You might be nervous about being a leader in your niche.   I know it scared the c@#p out of me and I kept thinking things like:

* Who would want to listen to me?
* I don’t have anything unique to say.
* I’m not pretty, young, or smart enough to be a leader.
* I’m nobody and there are already leaders in this niche.

These feelings are normal, but they’re not accurate.

No, they are not!

Just think about it for a minute.  How would you like it – as a consumer – if you only had one choice for a restaurant, a salon, a clothing line, a music style, a grocery store, etc.?

You probably wouldn’t like it much, right? It’s the same way with leaders in a niche. Consumers connect with leaders in different ways. Some people might love sarcastic, hard-selling individuals – and you can’t fathom why – because you prefer sweet, motivating people.

Everyone’s different. And whatever you have to offer, there is going to have an audience for it – your style, your voice, your message.  Every one has a  unique way of communicating even if you’re talking about the same niche topic.

You don’t have to be an expert already. People love following along with someone on their journey from start to finish – so share where you’re at and work from there as I am doing in this blog.

As for looks, it’s a non-issue. Unless your purpose is to attract people with your looks, then don’t worry about it. People looking for advice on parenting don’t care if you have a crooked tooth or wrinkles under your eyes.

There are several ways you can position yourself as a leader – in a way that’s comfortable to you. It doesn’t mean you have to get out there and brag about how wonderful you are – it means you do the right thing and your audience automatically lifts you up to authority status.

Be a Researcher and a Sharer

No matter what niche you’re in, there’s news that needs to be shared. There are new:

* Breakthroughs
* Trends
* Strategies
* Products
* People

You want to share all of that with your target audience. Yes, even share who your competitors are! We’ll get more into that in the next section. If you’re in the anti aging niche, for example, you might share a medical breakthrough that helps plump up crow’s feet.


Maybe you’ll see a news story about how women are flocking to plastic surgeons to get rid of their “Madonna Mitts” – which is what the industry termed her aging hands.

You can share things like which anti aging treatments people can do at home that you’ve tried and feel work best. Stay abreast of top manufacturers’ or sellers’ product releases and then talk to your audience about it.

Your blog or your email subscriber list will be the place where your subscriber feels they can go to gather all of the information they want. They don’t want to have to go all over the Internet and buy a bunch of different products to see what works best – that’s what they’ll love you for!

Whenever you blog about something with a cutting edge slant to it, you increase your worth in the niche. Your readers will bookmark and share your site with others, they’ll trust your recommendations whenever you want to promote something, too.

The lazy (unsuccessful) marketer does nothing but look at keyword volume, outsource their content to ghostwriters without injecting any of their own personality, and basically copycats the true leaders who are out there working for their audience the way they should be.

It takes time and effort to so this successfully so you’d better like the niche you have selected!

It’s late so I’ll wrap it up for now.

More on how you can become a leader in the next post!


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