
Is Working Whenever and Wherever Important to You?

Is Important to You?

As you plan your ideal business that enables you to live your dream life, be sure to think about what is truly important to you.

For some people, is just as important as the ability to work from anywhere because they really want to be not only free of the constraints of the clock, but also the restraints of borders.options

If you want to be able to travel or live remotely, make sure you think about when you are in the planning phase of your business.  To do this, you’ll want to design your business in the right way.

Here are some things to avoid and two to include when planning your business.

Avoid Tight Deadlines

When you want to be location independent as well as have time freedom, it’s imperative that you avoid having any type of tight deadlines. Clients asking you to do work in a service-based business last minute, or to be done within 48 hours, is not going to work for your needs.

Avoid Needing to Show Up in Personmeeting

Any type of business that requires you to show up in person at a specific time might not work for you. However, if you love public speaking, for instance, and want to do that for a living, you might consider that type of travel as something that you can get into. It really depends on your wants and needs.

Avoid Needing to Talk to People on the Phone Live

You’re not going to want to do any type of phone work if you are trying to be location independent. Live phone work is going to be hard to do because you may not always have access to good reception or the internet.

Avoid Live and In-Person Work Being Required

Any type of live and in-person work, such as needing to talk to your client at all hours of the day, whether in person or on Zoom, will not work for you if you want true time and location independence. Crafting a business that doesn’t require any of that is very possible.

Focus on Building income

When you really want to be location independent as well as have time freedom, you can build a passive income business through and influencer marketing. That can happen via blogging, being an author, a Vlogger, or YouTube star. Maybe even a podcaster.

Focus on Longer and Flexible Deadlines and Deliverables

The main thing is that if you want time and , you can set up longer and more flexible deadlines with your clients that focuses mostly on the deliverables and not on your process to achieve the deliverables.

When you are building your business, you are in control of your time and location. You can build a business that is both time and location independent by focusing on building passive income.  You can also offer services that focus on deliverables with long and flexible deadlines.

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