I’m up for a Challenge!

Well, I finally bit the bullet and decided to actually do a challenge instead of sitting on the sidelines and watching.

On Tuesday we started with Dean Holland and Craig Crawford. It is a 30 day challenge to get set up and earning $100/day by the end of the challenge.

The first step is to set up a blog. I decided to create a new blog for the challenge as I thought that would be a better way to evaluate the challenge than using one of my existing blogs. I decided on a slant or focus for IM niche that I have been thinking about for some time.

Here is my new blog: Affiliate Marketing for Seniors is my new blog.

As I am in my sixties (how the heck did that happen!) and I know several others in my age group that are interested in an online business of some sort, this seemed a good fit for me. Something I care about and am really interested in will help me stay with it.

I have some personal challenges to overcome – FEAR being the biggest one that has stopped me in the past – so I’ll keep you updated on how I doing.

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