IM Checklist Vol 7 – Newbie Marketers

Well this is timed well. A few weeks ago I finished my review of the IM Newbie Video training course and this set of checklists for Newbie Marketers is the perfect complement to that course.

These checklists are designed for those new to internet marketing and provide you with a step by step list of steps that have to be taken to get your IM efforts off the ground.

Vol7 Newbie Marketer

As usual with Kevin’s checklists, they come in PDF form as well as Google Spreadsheet and
Excel Spreadsheet.

If you are just getting started, there is nothing quite like a good checklist to follow to help keep you focused and on track.  It is too easy to become sidetracked when you are not sure what to do next.

For those of you who are in the IM niche, you also get PLR rights to these checklists so you can sell them to your own list.

Here is what is included in IM Checklist Vol 7 for Newbie Marketers:

Checklist 1: Website & Domain Setup Checklist

  • Domain Name Research
  • Purchasing & Setting Up Your Domain
  • Hosting Setup

Checklist 2: Business Branding Setup Checklist

  • How to create your brand on Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Google +

Checklist 3: WordPress Setup Checklist

  • How to install WordPress and edit your information

Checklist 4: Email Marketing Setup Checklist

  • Decide on and autoresponder
  • Create a list
  • Create a sign up form
  • Create a followup series

Checklist 5: Checklist

Checklist 6: Thank You Page Setup Checklist

  • How to setup your landing pages to get the best value

Checklist 7: Tracking Setup Checklist

  • How to setup tracking using Google Analytics or ClickMagick

Checklist 8: Social Media Setup Checklist

  • Decide on the social media to use and setup your accounts

Checklist 9: Indoctrination Email Series Checklist

  • What to include in each one of your followup series emails

Checklist 10: Retargeting Setup Checklist

  • How to setup retargeting for Facebook Ads

Checklist 11: Messenger Chat Checklist

  • How to setup and link your Manychat account

Checklist 12: Affiliate Network Setup Checklist

  • How to get setup on Affiliate networks
  • How to create the perfect promotion

Checklist 13: Video Hosting Setup Checklist

  • Decide where to host your videos

Checklist 14: Content Creation Setup Checklist

  • How to create content for anything from Facebook Posts, Videos Or Live Feeds, blog posts or Youtube video

Checklist 15: Advertising Accounts Checklist

  • How to get started with Facebook Ads and Google Adwords

Checklist 16: Marketing Plan Checklist

  • What steps to take to market your offers

Checklist 17: 31 Day Worksheet Checklist

  • What to do every day for 31 days to get your first offer ready and promoted
  • Rinse and repeat

Checklist 18: 90 Day Guaranteed Success Plan

  • Just what it says in the title and useful for anyone who might need a better plan

As with Kevin’s other checklists, these checklists for Newbie Marketers is a great value and is highly recommended.

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