
How to Make Your Clients Feel Valued

This post is geared toward online coaches and teachers and how they can make their clients feel valued.  A client who will sing your praises is your best advertising.

So,  how can you make your clients feel valued?

Your role as a coach in the coach/client relationship is to make an action plan for each client.  It does not really matter what niche you are in, the steps are the same.

In return, the client follows that plan and lets you know about their progress. They share with you their successes, challenges, or failures.

The more involved a client is in creating their own action plan, the more excited they will be to implement it so include them in the planning phase.  If they take ownership of the process, they are more likely to follow through.

Ask for Their Input

client input

Keep the questions open-ended so your client feels free to express their own dreams for their business.

Really listen to what they are saying. Practice good listening skills. Repeat back to them what they say to make sure you understand what their thoughts and process may be. Don’t risk your credibility by not asking for details if you are not sure what they are saying. Simply ask and repeat it back.

I cannot stress enough how important this step is.  It is the foundation for your relationship with the client and direction your coaching will take.

Ask about Their Goals

Guide them through the SMART goal-setting (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely).  Offer advice, as needed, especially if their goals are unreasonable.

Immediately following a session, send a summary email.  Use notes or bullet points about what was discussed and your clients’ next steps.  This shows you were listening AND proves you have a genuine interest in keeping your client on track and want them to succeed.

Ask for Feedback

client feedback

As your client is working through their goals and action plan, ask for their feedback on a regular basis. Ask if their goals have changed or if they are feeling specific challenges in any particular area. Not only does this show you care about their progress, but it also shows that you value their input.

If your client feels changes should be made at any point along the way, implement those changes immediately and address any challenges they foresee. Listening to their opinions only helps if you adjust for those changes. If not, you’re doing more harm than good by pretending to listen and pretending to have your client’s best interests in mind.

Offer Free Upgrades

An easy way to make your clients feel valued is to offer a free upgrade in their service.  Maybe this means extra contact with you or access to your VA to work on some of their tasks for a limited amount of time. No matter what your upgrade, save it for your Most Valuable Clients so you don’t get overwhelmed.

Your clients want to feel respected and not feel like they’re just a dollar sign for you, so find ways to interact with them. Social media is the easiest option, either with direct posts or with interactions within groups. No one must know about your working relationship unless your client indicates it’s ok to share that you are their coach. Always clarify how your client wants that handled. You can still build your relationship without being public about it.

Here’s a bonus tip:

Be Supportive

be supportive

Your clients will also feel valued if you find a way to visit THEIR business. Don’t fake having an interest and don’t make a purchase unless it’s something you truly need. Being authentic will increase your trust factor and credibility but you might just find a new favorite item if you make that initial purchase.

Remember that your clients are people and sometimes they will experience difficult situations, such as traumas, illnesses, or losses. It’s easy to give support during happy times but during those difficult times, your support is even more important. Whether that support is a phone call, or an email, your kindness will be remembered.

Want More?

If you would like to learn more ways about how to make your clients feel valued, I want to share something that will make the difference in your sales and profit.

It is a Profit Planner called “Make Your Clients Love You”. Everything you need to know to get loyal clients that love and recommend you to everyone is covered in an easy to follow process.

Check it out here:

Make Your Clients Love You Planner

What’s covered in this training?

  • Best Practices for Your Welcome Kit
  • Happy Clients are Loyal Clients: How to Keep Them as Clients
  • 4 Tips to Make Your Clients Feel Valued

What do you get in this training?

  • TextBook
  • Workbook
  • Checklist
  • Tools and Resources Guide
  • Idea Generator
  • Keywords
  • Infographic with key points

This is a complete system that will walk you through step-by-step how to make your clients love you.

This goes into the vault on the 25th so, don’t miss out. Grab your copy now at:

Make Your Clients Love You

NOTE: If you are too late and this is not the planner on offer, check out the lifetime deal as you get access to all past planners.

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