Increase Sales with More Traffic

How to Increase Sales with More Traffic

If you are not interested in increasing traffic to your website or product then you can stop reading now.

On the other hand, if you want more traffic using “free” or paid methods then keep on reading.

Traffic is the lifeblood of every online business. To be successful, you must master traffic.

Over this past weekend, I attended yet another fabulous virtual workshop from David Perdew and Jen Perdew Houlk called “How to with More Traffic”.  These workshops are the most useful training I have ever been on.  They give great value and as they are live, you can ask questions and they answer them right then and there.

Now, I take lots of notes during these events but I also experience overwhelm.  There is SO MUCH information given that I can’t possibly remember or implement it all right away.  That is where the replays come in.  I can go back a look at any of the videos at any time I want.

As I mentioned, this is not the first one of these I have attended and in each case, upon rewatching, I have had many Ahha moments and several “I didn’t know they covered that!” ones as well.

The value here is massive because they show you exactly what they do, how they do it and what tools they use.  Some are tools they created and you get access to those as part of the course. Others are paid solutions from other vendors.  You don’t have to follow their recommendations.  Just watch what they do and why they do it and you can do it using whatever tools you have.



In this 2-day workshop, you’ll uncover the traffic sources that will drive the best results for your niche after you discover where your market is hanging out and what they want.

If you are brand spanking new to online business and have never made a sale online or haven’t yet started driving targeted traffic yet, we want to change that by the end of the 2-day workshop.

If you already have an established business but want to increase your sales, this is for you too as we reveal the special tactics to convert current traffic for more income.

That’s why How to Increase Sales with More Traffic Workshop is so important. You must uncover the fastest way to create profitable targeted traffic in any niche. When you become a traffic expert, you’ll never have trouble growing your business again.

What’s Included

  • Pre Coursework
  • Homework
  • Session 1 – Getting Started/Overview
  • Session 2 – What’s Your End Goal
  • Session 3 – How Tracking & Dictate Your Actions
  • Sessions 4- What Traffic Sources Are Right For You
  • Session 5 – The Key To More Traffic Is Content
  • Session 6 – Creating Your Own Traffic Plan
  • Session 7 – Tools For Automation
    • Session 7B – Vidnami
    • Session 7C – Missing Lettr
    • Session 7D – LeadPal
    • Session 7E – Medium
  • Session 8 – Recap and Continuous Improvement
  • Resources
  • Bonus Tool Training

The value packed into these workshops is amazing.  There is no way I can retain it all at once so I just go back to the recordings to get the information I need for whatever part of the workshop I am implementing.

Jen and David show you what they do to and increase sales in their business.  Not what others do or someone says you should do, but what they actually do.  When they show you the tools they use, you get to see their actual accounts and how they use them.  This had so much value for me as I am a visual learner.  You can talk to me all day and I will remember a bit but show me and it is mine!

This is recorded during the live event and sometimes things do not go as planned.  Well, you can learn from that as well.  See how they handle tech snaffues on the fly – educational to say the least.

So, if you want to learn how to create evergreen traffic that drives more sales consistently, get the How to Increase Sales with More Traffic Workshop right here!



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