get your students to engage

5 Tips to Get Your Students to Engage with Your Online Course

Good for you – you’ve created the outline for your online course.  Before you go any further, I have a question for you… have you made sure that you’ve done all you can to with your online course?

Have your students really done the work and got something out of your course?

Are people going to tell their friends about your online course and recommend it to other people who are trying to learn about the same thing?

Having recommendations from existing students is a great way to gain authority and more students to your online course.  Happy students are also much more likely to buy from you again.

There are many things you can do in order to make sure that your future students engaging with your online course.

1. Make updates

Unless your course is something that people have to download, you can constantly make updates to the course depending on the feedback that you receive. Making regular updates will ensure that there are no technical errors with the course, and also that students are getting the most effective experience possible with the most recent information in your niche.

2. Create milestones get your students to engage milestones

People will always remain more engaged with a particular thing if they feel like they are achieving a lot. Personally, I find reaching milestones very satisfying.

If your students feel they are making progress while they are doing your online course, they will remain engaged.  When they are motivated by the feeling of achievement, they will want to carry on with the course and make it to the end.

3. Don’t make it too easy

Or too difficult for that matter.  You should make your online course the right level for the audience you are trying to target.  Don’t make it too easy as this will discourage people and they will lose interest very quickly. People want something that they can think about a little bit or that will challenge their minds.  If your online course is too easy for their level you will lose students.

The same things applies to making it too difficult.  If the students you have attracted to your course do not have the background to be able to understand what you are presenting you will lose them as students and future customers.

Make sure that your promotions target the right audience for the level of your course so you can with your couse and stay right to the end.

4. Include different things

get your students to engage video

Rather than every module being videos followed by questions, for example, mix it up so that your students have a variety of things that they can work on and learn from. This could be a couple of videos, following by a quiz and then followed by a chunk of text.

Depending on the type of course, you could offer video chats to give extra value and get your students really engaged.

5. Make it aesthetically pleasing

Although the content and the message you are conveying is the most important part of the online course, you should make it as visually appealing as possible. Don’t use bright colours that may give people headaches, and don’t use capital letters either as this is difficult to read. Use neutral colours that are easy on the eye, and make a habit of using images where appropriate.

There may be other ideas you can come up with for your niche to .  We learn differently from each other.  I am a very visual person but my youngest sister learns best by listening.  Think about your course from your student’s perspective and try to provide various media to help them get the most from and engage with your online course.

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