content marketing

How to Find Keywords For Your Content Marketing


One of the ways you can get more traffic and interest from your audience online is to use .  When you are a lot of the content you create will start with the keywords that resonate with your audience.  What are they searching for?   What are they looking to buy?

Here’s how to find more keywords to use in your content.

Start with Broad Keywords

content marketing keywords

Start with a broad keyword and see what related keywords google shows you at the bottom of the search page.  A broad keyword is one that will often turn up many different words. For example, Dog is a broad keyword for, well, dogs, but you can narrow down to size, breed, sex, safe for kids, and many other narrower terms and phrases.

Using Google’s related searches at the bottom of the page is very handy for helping you find more keywords to use that are more direct but possibly have less competition.  Keep in mind that competition is a good thing.  Make sure it is not too much and not too little.

Use Q and A Sites

Sites like Yahoo Answers, Quora, and so forth are full of questions people ask in their Google Searches. These sites are perfect for looking at not only what people are asking within your niche, but on what experts are saying, including the terms they’re using.

You can take those terms and phrases and create or buy more content that uses those terms to help you attract your audience using content marketing.

Discussion Groups and Forums content marketing forums

Pay attention to what people ask on social media, in groups, and forums. You can accomplish this in your own discussion groups or forums as well as other people’s.

If you own your own groups, always take the time to encourage your subscribers to ask questions because that is going to give you a lot of information to turn into content for content marketing.

Install Google Analytics Search on Your Website

You can install Google Search right on your site that your audience can use to search your site for specific information. You can glean so much information and learn new keywords by installing it. Don’t worry. It’s not even that hard. You can use a plugin if you have self-hosted WordPress, but Google Analytics has directions for whatever type of site and hosting you use.

Check Your Competitor’s Keywords

content marketing competition

Another way you can locate the right keywords to use for your audience is to spy on your competition. You can do that by going to their site and looking at the code if they’ve not blocked it, or you can simply note the types of titles and headers and subject lines they use in their own content marketing.

There is also software to help you, such as, which enables you to “spy” on and find out what keywords your competitors are using within just a few seconds.

To help with your content marketing, keep a running list of keywords and keyword phrases that you can use to market your offers and get ideas for content at any time. You want to try to use a different keyword or keyword phrase for each page of your site in order to diversify the words and wording you’re using to attract more attention from the search engines and get more traffic directly from your ideal audience.

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