topic for your online course

How to Choose a Topic for Your Online Course

Now that you have your journal ready and made your commitment, it’s time to choose a .

Deciding to create an online course is a big step forward.  Now you should put some serious consideration into your topic before you start.  There are several deciding factors in how to choose the subject for your online course.

Here are the main things you should think about.

What do you like and what are you passionate about?

You’ll get bored before you’ve finished the course if you’re not writing about something that you enjoy. Make a list of all the things that you are passionate about.  It could be food, sports, music, humanitarianism, family, and relationships, or animals.

You’re bound to find a few that you like.  Choose more than one if you can as we will whittle the list down as we progress through the process.

What knowledge do you have? topic for your online course knowledge

As much as it’s important that you enjoy the topic and you’re passionate about it, you also need to have a lot of knowledge about it.

Creating an online course isn’t like creating a blog.  With a blog, you can share your ideas and opinions with your readers quite easily. With a course, you have to be able to impart some useful information to your students, especially if they are paying for it.

What topics are in demand?

You should always check out what courses are already out there and what people actually want to learn. Use analysis tools that show you how many users search for certain phrases and keywords each month. Then compare this alongside how many online courses for that particular topic already exist.

Using this information, it’s easy to gauge how much competition there will be, and therefore how easy or difficult it will be to get attention and succeed with your online course.

For which topics can you get external input?

topic for your online course input

The content for the online course is probably going to come primarily from you, but you could also get input from others. This helps to provide a course that is well-rounded and suitable for a wide range of users.  You could also have the opportunity to provide key messages and information which may not otherwise have been shared through the course.

If you have family, friends, or colleagues and acquaintances who are also interested in a topic, ask them to give you a few minutes of their time to share some thoughts and ideas.

By now you may have a few options for your course subject matter.  In our next post, we will talk about how to choose a profitable .

Don’t forget to check out Create Courses for Profit

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