content marketing

Getting the Most From Your Content Marketing

In this post we have yet more secrets for getting the most from your content marketing. I mention 3 services that can help you really engage with your audience.  At the time of writing, each had a free option.  They are limited but good enough to give you a feel for you they might benefit you.

Get More Shares (and traffic) With Interactive Contentgetting the most from your content marketing quiz

People love to discover more about themselves, what their spirit animal is, what their personality says about them and so forth. This is why for decades the Cosmopolitan Magazine Quiz has been one of the favorite features of the entire magazine.
It’s also why you can use simple quizzes to drive more interaction and more shares from your readers.

Here’s how:

  • Register for a free account at
  • Click ‘create new’ and select the type of content you would like to create – polls, quizzes, personality, video or countdown.
  • Add your questions and mark the right answers.
  • Press ‘publish’ and install the Apester plugin to your WordPress site.
  • Copy the code and insert it on your website, where ever you want it to be.

Run a Contest

Offering a contest on social media is a great way to get lots of engagement, traffic, and new subscribers.  It is another simple way to getting the most from your content marketing.

getting more from your content marketing

But be careful – you’ve got to tailor your prize to the audience you seek. Otherwise, you’ll end up with a ton of subscribers who care nothing about your niche, your blog, or your products.  For example, don’t offer a free electronic device (as so many do) unless it’s 100% directly related to your niche.

If your niche is gardening, offer a big selection of free bulbs or your latest book on growing vegetables.

If your niche is online marketing, offer free access to your latest marketing course to bring in super targeted leads, and so forth.

Here’s how to set up a contest:

  • Sign up at Rafflecopter (or a similar service) to launch and manage your giveaway.
  • Click ‘new giveaway.’ Put in the prize(s) your winner(s) will receive.
  • Choose how people can enter to win the prize. Subscribing to your newsletter? Tweeting about the contest? Etc.
  • Set points for each method. The more points they get, the better their chances of winning.
  • Choose a start and end date and click ‘preview and install.’
  • Either embed the contest to your website or run it on your Facebook page.
  • Want to have even more options? Upgrade to the premium version.

Use Other People’s Great Content to Drive Traffic to Your Site

getting the most from your content marketing

No, I am not talking about stealing other people’s work.  I am talking about sharing in an appropriate manner.

This is a great technique on several levels.

You’re sharing relevant, timely content via social media, so your followers and fans benefit.

The person whose content you are sharing will see you’re sharing their stuff, which can help build relationships with these marketers.

And in the process, you can actually drive traffic to your own content as well.

Here’s how:

  • Find articles and posts related to your newly published post. You can use Google Alerts, Mention, or simply do a Google search for new content on the topic.
  • When you find an article your audience will likely enjoy, use Sniply to share it via your social channels.
  • To do this: Go to Sniply and register for a free account. Insert the article’s link and click ‘create snip.’
  • Then customize the call to action that visitors to that article will see, and link it to YOUR blog post.
  • Click ‘snip’ and you’re set.

Did you know these services were out there?

Why not give one a try?  It is sure to help make sure you are getting the most from your content marketing efforts.

PS.  Tired of creating content and constantly struggling to get traffic? Daily Content Profits shows you how to take massive action with a STEP BY STEP content distribution plan. No more wondering what to do next.

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