Facebook Messenger – What it is and Why you Need to Use It

I have been hearing about for some time and also about but I was not really clear on how they might be used in marketing.

I have since done some research and have found some very interesting information about Messenger and why and how to use it.


There have been over a billion (yes that is a B) downloads of the app and the ability to automate messaging through artificial intelligence-based chat bots – who knew?

No wonder marketers are taking a closer look at this means of reaching their audiences.

Most of us have seen chat boxes pop up from time to time on our screens – yes?

A chat bot works similar to an email autoresponder service, delivering messages automatically and immediately upon being triggered.

It can even deliver what looks like a real conversation, asking questions that walk users through various processes if set up correctly.

Creating Custom Experiences for Your Audience

Using Facebook Messenger bots is a great way to get and keep your prospect’s attention and turn those prospects into buyers.

  • Build list to grow audience. When someone interacts with your Facebook Messenger bot, they are automatically added to your Messenger mailing list. They can also join by using a ‘send me a message’ type button on your website, by commenting to subscribe and more.
  • Engage your audience. Messenger bots allow you to engage your audience as if you were right there with them, even though you may be hundreds of miles away from your computer. Automatically push new content to your followers by notifying them when you publish new content.
  • Create custom experiences for customers. People like to feel as if they’re talking directly to you and that you are paying close attention to their needs. When you set up your bot messages, you can ask questions and word responses in a way that users will never know you’re not sitting at your keyboard responding to them directly.

It is really quite amazing what can be done with these message bots.  The can help customers book flights, hotel reservations, car rentals, etc.   Retail stores can use bots to take orders, track shipping, handle general customer support, and lots more more.

The messages that viewers receive are based on the answers they provide or selections they choose. This makes the entire experience feel personal. It also builds trust with customers, as they are guided through a more engaging sales funnel.

Ways to Use Messenger Bots

Once you look over the admittedly short list below of how you can use Messenger, it becomes obvious WHY you really need to look at using it for your business. The options and combinations you can create are limited only by your imagination. Any message(s) you can automate can be used in these bots.

  • Automatically deliver content. 
  • Manage guest invitations to an event.
  • Share coupon with your followers.
  • Collect email addresses.
  • Provide an FAQ.
  • Provide customized suggestions.
  • Automate purchasing and order tracking services.
  • and many more

These are just a few of the many ways Facebook Messenger bots can be used to reduce your workload and deliver automated, instant responses to your prospects and customers.

Why would you NOT use it?

I have more to share with you about Facebook Messenger but that will have to wait until next time.


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