
Does Your Business Need a Specific Marketing Strategy for Instagram?

When you first start posting on a social media platform, like , it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement. You may be tempted to put up whatever you want. This is a mistake. As time goes by and your excitement wanes, you realize there’s no rhyme or reason to your profile. It looks like a scattered collection on a variety of topics and is not inviting.

Avoid this happening to you and put together an marketing strategy. With a strategy in place, you know what to post and when to post it. In addition, you’ll enjoy these benefits…

No More Panic

My personal favourite – with a markeeting strategy you don’t have to freak out because it’s #MondayMotivation and you donèt have clue what to post.   You’ve already thought out what you’ll post and how you’ll use it to grow your business.

Schedule in Advance

Another advantage of having a strategy is that you can easily schedule your post in advance. This means you aren’t sitting around, waiting for the optimal time of day to post. Instead, you can go about your life and your business with the knowledge that your Instagram account is happily chugging along.

Batch Your Content

Not only can you schedule your content, you can create a bunch of it in advance. This might mean spending one or two days a month taking artful photographs or coming up with witty captions. Then all you have to do is drop your content batch into your favorite scheduler and watch as your Instagram followers continue to increase.

Stand Out from Your Competitors

Since you have a marketing strategy in place, you’ll be able to communicate why customers should choose your brand over your competitors. It’s easier to stand out when you know what you stand for and you’ve planned to share about it in advance.

Invite User Content

Using your strategy you’ll be able to create contests that invite your followers to create content for you. For example, if you’re a makeup brand, you might want to encourage your followers to post their favorite bedtime skincare routine.  This type of content can be entertaining for others and it increases your engagement level.



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