
Do You Use Chatbots?

Content is still the best way to market anything online. You can place your content on your blog, on social media sites, email and reports etc.

The question remains however, how are you going to engage your visitors and turn them into customers using this content.

You can use the traditional optin page to capture your prospect’s email. They do still work but not as well as they did.  You want something to attract attention right away as our collective attention span is very short these days.

Enter the

You can use FB messenger and get your visitor’s interest using a chatbot.   Personally, I have never been a big fan of bots, at least as I have seen them used so far.  I tried them for a while but was not impressed. (among others) seemed like a possiblity but I did not persue it.   I am not too keen to build up a following in FB using bots only to have it taken away if FB decides they don’t like me for some unknown reason.

The use of chatbots continues to grow.

Mark Zuckerberg revealed Chatbots will be the secret to Facebook’s success over the next TEN YEARS.

BILLION dollar companies like Amtrak are already using Chatbots to get ROIs of 800% or more.

By next year, the average person will have more chats with Bots than with their spouse!  Really??  Actually, when I think about all the couples I see in restaurants on their mobiles instead of talking to each other, it may not be far-fetched after all.


A few days ago I heard about a chatbot service called .  I checked it out and I have changed my mind about using bots – at least for now.  I picked up a license yesterday and I am going through the training as I write this.

You can use bots to capture email addresses, qualify leads, make sales, offer discounts or for .  I’m only part way through the training and I can see so many ways to use these, I am so excited.

You can build widget bots (that’s the usual kind you see on FB),  embeded bots, full-page bots and the exit bots.

Here is a sample bot (full screen type) – this one promotes ConversioBot (surprise!)

At least go through the process to see how they implement them.

The training so far is great.  I decided to start at the beginning (even though I know most of that information  in the first two sections already) just to see if it is good for those with no idea about chat bots and how they work.  It is good training and I did not kknow as much as I thought.

Here is what is included in the basic training:

Basic Training – 11 Video Categories

About Chatbots (3 videos)

In this introductory section we welcome you to ConversioBot and show you the different Chatbot types offered within ConversioBot.

Uses For a Chatbot (6 videos)

There are many different ways you can use Chatbots and in this video category we go through some of the most popular uses for a Chatbot, to help give you some ideas.

Basic Chatbot Training (7 videos)

These videos cover the ConversioBot basics! Simon shows you how to clone, delete, manage your Chatbots and more!

Building a Chatbot (17 videos)

This is where the magic starts to happen. In these videos Simon takes you through the Chatbot building process. You’ll learn everything from creating a new Bot, to adding content, images and gifs!

User Response Types (13 videos)

These videos teach you all about the different user response types that can be added to your Chatbot. User responses are vital for capturing user data, so are a vital element to ConversioBot Chatbots.

Designing Your Chatbot (7 videos)

Personalising your Chatbot so it fits with your brand is an important part of the build. Here Simon shows you how to add new Bot icons, change the background and text colors, and much more!

Chatbot Settings (8 videos)

The Chatbot settings determine the type of Chatbot you use and also allows you to manage integrations and set goals for your Chatbot analytics.

Publishing Your Chatbot (6 videos)

This section covers the different publish options you have for your Chatbots and also shows you how easy it is to update any changes you make, so they appear on your live Chatbot.

General Settings & Integrations (6 videos)

Our general settings allow you to integrate your account with third party services, such as Marketing Automation and Zapier. In this section Simon shows you how you can set up integrations in a couple of minutes.

Data & Analytics (5 videos)

Managing your Chatbot data and understanding the analytics and a vital part of the process. These videos show where to find the data logs and also how to read the analytics

As you can see, they don’t leave you high and dry wondering what to do next.

Don’t buy it through the main page at as the last time I looked it was a monthly fee (you can check, I’ll wait…)

If you are interested and want to learn more, you can pick it up for a ONE TIME fee (instead of monthly) IF IT IS STILL AVAILALE  here:

OK, off to do more training and create my first bot.

I will do a proper review when I have used it more.

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