
Do You Have a Success Mindset?

Do you have confidence in your ideas?
Do you have a burning desire to be the best you can be in all you do?
Do you have the ability to stay focused on the task at hand and ignore distractions and obstacles?
Do you hold yourself accountable for what you do and take responsibility?

These are just a few characteristics of truly successful people. How do you stack up? I know I have work to do in several areas, focus being on of the more difficult for me.

For those of you that have been with me for a while, you know that I am a fan of Kevin Fahey’s checklists. The previous 21 have been on marketing topics like , social networking, outsourcing and so on.

When I heard what he had in store for this volume, I wondered how he was going to make checklists out of it but…

I have had access to these checklists for a few days now and he did it. He created Volume 22 in the IM Checklist series that contains 18 different checklists about .

I am using these for myself.  I already have one that I feel I need the most help with right now and have printed it out and taped it to the wall beside my desk.  When I catch myself feeling negative, I just stop and go over the checklist and choose something from the “Here’s What to do Next” section and do it.  I helps me get back into a postive frame of mind.

Here’s the list of topics covered and there’s a massive amount of bonuses included as well.

1. Entrepreneur Checklist
2. Healthy Mindset
3. Mindset of Confident people
4. How to Enhance your Mindset Improve Focus
5. Developing a Growth Mindset
6. Mindset Maintenance for Workaholics
7. Having a Positive Attitude Checklist
8. Mindset of Dreamers
9. The Social Mindset
10. Checklist for a Guaranteed Unstoppable Mindset
11. How to Beat your Fear Mindset
12. How to Maintain an Innovative Mindset in Times of Pressure
13. Mindset Hacks for Entrepreneurs
14. Developing a Success-Oriented Mindset
15. Dealing with Anxiety with a Shift in your Mindset
16. Improve your Life by Changing your Mindset
17. Mindset for Long Term Thinking
18. Developing a Mindset with Resilience and Determination

You get 18 checklists in 5 different formats with private label rights included and the following bonuses:

A private mastermind group
video training series
7 figure entrepreneur book bundle
101 ways to profit with PLR
IM product launch 2.0

There is so much potential for using these in almost any niche as Mindset is important in everything we do.

You can take a checklist or a section of one and use each item as a talking point, the outline for your post. Expand on each item and voila, you have a blog post. By breaking the longer lists up by section you now have a series of posts.

You can make videos from the blog posts you have created.

You can use each item as the basis for social media posts linking back to your main site.

Take the whole kit and caboodle and use it as an outline for your own ebook or video series on Mindset.

These are just some this that popped into my head as I was going over the lists myself.

The market for this topic is huge and varied.

You can…

  • Rebrand & sell over & over again
  • Turn into a video product of your own
  • Rebrand and add them as an upsell in your funnel
  • Turn into a webinar presentation
  • Use as a bonus for your promotions
  • Use it as content for your membership site
  • Use them to build your email list
  • Increase the value of your existing product
  • Use them in your coaching program
  • Translate into different languages
  • Use them anyway you wish!

Pick it up now!

Yes, there are OTO’s. The first one is to a lifetime one time payment option and get all of his past, present and future checklists and never have to pay again!


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