email tracking

Do You Have A Follow-Up Autoresponder?

When it comes to keeping customers happy, one of the best ways to do so is to stay in touch with them regularly. The best way to do that is via email using a follow-up autoresponder. Email marketing is still the most effective form of marketing that has ever existed, with most marketers reporting more than $40 earnings on every dollar spent.

Follow-up Autoresponder

follow-up autoresponder

One of the most useful technologies you have in your back end is your autoresponder.  An autoresponder is your email marketing software. Autoresponders enable you to schedule follow up emails to send to your list members and customers based on how you segment the members of your list, which is based on their behavior.

For every single product, service, and freebie that you offer, you need to send a follow-up email series. You load the emails into your autoresponder to be delivered to the right people at the right time. When you set the email series up, it’ll be delivered the moment they pay for the product or download the freebie. This is how you will nurture your customer or list member to engage with you.  Ask them to join you on social media, buy from you again, and even become a brand advocate. It all depends on what you want to accomplish.

When someone buys or downloads something from you and is now on your email list, you need to immediately deliver a series of follow up messages to them in the form of several emails sent out about one per day. Base the series on the exact audience member that you want to nurture based on what they bought or downloaded.

Follow-up Messages

Create a series of follow up email messages that:

  • Nurture the Leads You Get from Your Freebie
  • Nurture the Lead You Gained from a Random Website Visitor
  • Nurture the Leads Generated from a Specific Guest Post Nurture the Customer Who Purchased
  • Product A
  • Encourage Buyers of Product A to Convert to Buyers of Product B
  • Encourage Specific Members of Your List to Engage with You on A Social Platform
  • Send an Onboarding Sequence
  • Offer Supportive Information to Shopping Cart Abandons to Encourage Finishing Purchase
  • Create Follow Up Sequences for Everything
  • Create Renewal Sequences if Your Product is Renewable
  • Set Up Educational Sequences When You Want to Teach Something New

Transactional Emails

To make any email sequence truly perform at its best, you must differentiate between transactional follow-up messages and the rest of the messages. Transactional messages are sent directly after the customer buys from you, or the lead downloads a freebie and gets added to your email list. These are the messages that are most likely to be opened because your customer needs the information so they can access their purchase or the freebie they wanted.

To get the most from the transactional emails you send, use it to explain how to get their purchase.  Also  tell them what to expect from you regarding email messages. Make it worth their while to want to open them.  You can do this by telling them about the unannounced offers , the educational benefit of opening your emails, and more. Set them up from the first email for success, and you won’t regret it.

You only need about 7 to 12 follow-up autoresponder messages in each sequence that you create.  That’s all it takes to make all the difference.  Your systems and processes will make sales for you and transform your audience into brand advocates in a hands-off way once you set it up. Nothing could be better than that.

If you don’t yet have an autoresponder, I use Aweber and have been for over 10 years.  They now have a free account (not a trial but a truly free account) that you can setup quickly.  It is limited in the number of subscribers and emails you can send but if you are just starting out or want to test out a different service, the free Aweber account is a great place to start.

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