Do as I Say, Not as I Do

OK, OK!    I still have a problem sticking to one thing until it is finished.

I was working on my ebook creation series and hit a snag.   While that was being ironed out, I started a new project I had been toying with for some time – ecommerce.

I had made several abortive stabs at this in the past but was determined to crack it this time with the guidance of those who are doing it successfully.

Don’t let anyone tell you it is simple.  The concept is deceptively simple but when you get into the nuts and bolts of it, there is a LOT MORE WORK than I expected just to begin. I am now at a place where I have to wait for some answers so I figured I get back here and finish what I started.

I should have come back here sooner and finished off the series.

I neglected it.

Probably for too long.

I lost the momentum.


I am starting tomorrow where I left off on creating your own ebook and build up the momentum again and actually get my ebook out there.  Soon.

Have any of you completed your ebook (or ecourse) yet?


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Where Can You Sell Your Ebook?

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How to Find Time in Your Schedule to Write an eBook

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