Conversion Gorilla

Conversion Gorilla – What the Heck is it?

Supposedly, works to boost , subscribers and sales. Seasoned pros are singing its praises because they’re seeing firsthand just how well it works.

All of this buzz got me curious so I purchased a while ago to see if it would really live up to the hype.

I hope to be able to separate the hype from ‘reality’ in this review as I go through the app from top to bottom and share what I find about it with you. Oh, make sure you go to the bottom of this page to see it in action!

Just what is Conversion Gorilla, anyway?

Take a look at this video to see what it is all about.

Conversion Gorilla is an attention bar and countdown timer rolled into one. It works hard to grab attention with an easily customizable attention bar where you can put almost any kind of offer or announcement. Here are some examples:

  • Special offers, such as a discount coupon code
  • Flash sale announcements
  • Product launch announcements
  • Breaking industry news
  • Product or service benefits
  • Testimonials
  • Video sales letters
  • Advertisements
  • Opt-in offers
  • Exit offers
  • Upsells
  • Redirects to related content or offers
  • Welcome messages on any web page
  • Affiliate bonus announcements (you can even overlay these on third-party sites if you use Conversion Gorilla Pro)

What you can offer with this is only limited to your imagination. If you have an important bit of content or a special offer to share, you can make sure your visitors see it by using an attention bar.

One really great option is that Conversion Gorilla also lets you add countdown timers to any of your attention bars. That means you can add a sense of urgency and boost .

For example:

  • Count down to a product launch
  • Count down the minutes left to take advantage of a one-time offer
  • Tick away the hours and minutes left during a flash sale
  • Show how much time left to enter a contest
  • Display how much time remains before a special event (such a webinar) starts

If you want to get your customers to take action then one of the very best ways to do it is with a countdown timer.  It is easy to add a countdown timer to any of your notification bars (again, make sure you go to the bottom of this post)!

Log into your Conversion Gorilla dashboard, and with just a few clicks of your mouse, you can fully control the look and behavior of your attention bar by…

  • Changing the color and size of the attention bar
  • Inserting any text you want to appear on the bar
  • Tweaking the appearance of the font (e.g., bold, italics, etc.)
  • Changing the look of your call to action button
  • Inserting images or videos
  • Deciding when and where the bar appears (e.g., immediately, on exit, after a set amount of time, etc.).

You don’t need to know anything about coding to make these changes – all you have to do is point and click from within your Conversion Gorilla dashboard.  Once you’ve created the bar to your liking (which literally takes just a couple minutes), all you have to do is copy and paste a small bit of code into your web page where you want your bar to appear.

It’s fantastically easy!

Have a look at how easy it is to create these bars:

And…. you can use that same bit of code on multiple pages or sites!

Does Conversion Gorilla Work?

Some marketers are reporting getting up to 700% more clicks on their attention bars versus using on page links and buttons.   So, if you’re still using on-page calls to action, then you’re definitely going to want to give Conversion Gorilla a try!

Another benefit of this app is that you’ll know instantly whether it’s working. That’s because Conversion Gorilla includes your basic built-in statistics, so you can log into your dashboard and see with a quick glance which of your attention bars are getting clicks, opt-ins and other conversions.

I mostly use the attention bars to promote products and add subscribers to my lists.  It works well for both.  In fact, I have an attention bar on a post that I have forgotten about that adds people to one of my lists.  I was doing list maintenance one day and wondered how these people got onto this list as I have not been promoting it for a while.  I logged into Conversion Gorilla to create a new bar and lo and behold, I saw that the bar on that post had converted at 8% and I had done nothing since publishing that post.  That works for me!

Now, here is where it is really great (at least for me as I dislike split testing ). If you see an attention bar that’s not getting the clicks, you can change the text, color, offer or anything else directly from your dashboard, and your attention bar will instantly update on your website. YAY!

You don’t need to fiddle with code, you don’t need to re-insert anything into your web pages, and you don’t need to do any FTPing or other file uploads. Conversion Gorilla makes it easy to change your attention bars in a snap and on the fly!

Finally, another big benefit of Conversion Gorilla is that it’s been tested to work across devices and platforms. Whether your visitor is viewing your web page from a big desktop PC or from their iPhone, you can rest assured they’re seeing (and clicking on!) your attention bars.


Click Here

Are There Any Downsides?

Like any tool, Conversion Gorilla isn’t 100% perfect.

It sometimes takes me a few tries to get it to show exactly the way I want it.  No doubt this is user error as I eventually get there.  The preview on the edit screen now works much better than it did when this was launched making the task much easier and the live preview available from the dashboard is very useful when you revisit some you have created a while ago and can’t remember what they look like.

I’d like to see more font options to really customize the look and feel of the attention bars to match my sites.  If you’re using fairly standard fonts on your website, then this may not be an issue for you.

Those are the only “issues” I have with the product.

This software is developed and maintained by Simon Hodgkinson and Jeremy Gislason, who are well-known in the industry for providing outstanding support for all of their apps and other products, several of which I use.

One thing they’ve always done is accepted feature requests from their customers. If you think that adding a specific feature would be beneficial to you and other users, let the developers know… and there’s a good chance they’ll add that feature in the next update if it has use for others too.

Check it out here:

The Verdict?

Here’s the bottom-line question: is Conversion Gorilla right for you?

If you’re a web developer or otherwise well-versed in coding web-pages, then Conversion Gorilla is probably more of a luxury rather than a necessity for you. If you can already create attention bars and countdown timers in two minutes or less – and change them on the fly across all your websites – then you don’t really need this tool.

For the rest of us, however, Conversion Gorilla is a really valuable tool. It makes it quick and easy to create attention bars, with or without conversion-boosting countdown timers. And in turn, these attention bars are a powerful and effective way to direct your traffic, generate more opt-ins, more clicks, more sales, and more conversions.

Now here’s the best part…

Conversion Gorilla is completely risk free. If you’re not sure if it’s right for you – if you’re not totally convinced that this is a quick and easy way to start getting better results and a higher ROI from all your traffic – you can try it for 30 days risk free. Put it to work, kick the tires for a full month. If you’re not thrilled with this app for any reason, simply contact the developers within 30 days for a full and prompt refund.

Fair enough?

So, go ahead and check out the demo and learn more about Conversion Gorilla by clicking here:

And do it now, because you’re going to like what it does for your bottom line!


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