Testing and Tracking

build your list

Are Your Calls To Action Working? 

A call to action (CTA) is an integral part of every single message you send to your audience.  Whether it’s a sales page or a social media post, a call to action must be included if you really want your audience to do what you want them to do. It’s essential to test all your […]

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attract new customers with social media

Track Your Social Media Growth and Engagement

As with any of the tips and tweaks we have offered to help increase your website attractiveness to the right visitors, the only way to know if you are getting social media growth is to check the data. Anytime you can collect data based on your actions, you should because you’ll end up collecting vital […]

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seo basics 2

9 Simple On-Page SEO Tweaks – Is Your SEO Working?

You have been following all the SEO recommendations you can but do you know if it is working?  The easiest way to improve search results is right on your website using on-page SEO tweaks. In fact, you can go into any blog post you have right now and fix it to work better than it […]

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keyword tracking

Tracking Your Keyword Ranking

Tracking your keyword ranking is another key element in your overall tracking and testing strategy.  There is no point in doing all the work to find and use your keywords if you don’t track how they are doing. Unless you are a lot younger than I am, you probably don’t still use the same go-to […]

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seo basics process

SEO Basics for Content Marketing

SEO Basics – Know This Before You Create Your Next Piece of Content Although there are many aspects to Search Engine Optimization (SEO),  isn’t as hard as people would have you believe. It’s straightforward if you start thinking of it in the right way. In this post, I cover the SEO basics that you really […]

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