Testing and Tracking

click-through rate

Using Open And Click-Through Rate To Improve Your Email Marketing 

As you set up more entry points for your funnel and start building your list, you’ll need to monitor a few different metrics – open rate and click-through rate.  Tracking your results ensures that what you’re doing works, as well as to find ways to improve. Two parameters to look for when it comes to […]

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mapping your funnel

Mapping Your Funnel to Find Any Holes

Once you realize the importance of  mapping your funnel you can start to fix any holes you find your funnel.  Take the time to map out what you already have.  It is well worth the time and effort.  A hole in your funnel will cause you to lose list members, lose sales, and can even […]

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content marketing funnel

Do You Have a Funnel?

Even if you haven’t purposely created a funnel, you may already have one. However, if you haven’t planned it, you may have serious gaps which will cause you to lose money. Let’s start at the beginning for those new to online marketing. What is a Funnel? A funnel is simply a representation of how you […]

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How Small Marketing Tweaks Can Lead To Big Profit 

When marketing your digital business online, whether you sell services or products, you can always fine-tune your marketing so that you get more done with less.  Small marketing tweaks based on your testing and tracking can make a big difference.  You can automate some of your work, outsource other work while optimizing whatever you do […]

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lifetime value of your customers

Improving the Lifetime Value of Your Customers

The lifetime value of your customers is an important number for you to know.  First, you must understand how much money you can earn on average from each customer you attract to your product funnels.  Then you’ll know how much you can afford to spend to attract the customers, create more products, and more. The […]

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