

ADA Compliance

Did you know that one-in-five users require accommodations of some sort to use your site? No? Well, now you do. Think about it for a minute.  It is estimated that currently in the US… 8.1 million are visually impaired 2 million people are blind 7.6 million people have some form of auditory impairment. 2.2 million […]

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How to Profit from Great PLR

I know some folks say they would not be caught dead using PLR, that you will get ripped off and that everyone else will have the same stuff and on and on. If you buy crap and just use it as is, then this is indeed true. However, in the subject of this email I […]

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How do You Create Your Graphics?

Graphics – no website is complete without them and many social media platforms are all about the graphics. For your website you might need a header graphic, a logo graphic for a minimum.  You might need business cards or flyers for a local business.  If you are on social media, you will need a graphics […]

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Website Analytics

As you build your online business, you need to track who visits your site, where they come from and where they go. For most of us small businesses,we just need a free or low cost option. I use Google Analytics on my sites and find that I can get all the information I need from […]

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A Great WordPress Resource

I recently decided to “move” my blog from a subdirectory to the root of my domain. I did a few searches and found what I thought I was looking for. I followed the steps and it seemed to work. The next day I heard from a reader that although the blog loaded fine, none of […]

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